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Children Deserve Peace – Palestine’s Call for Justice

Monument of Manuel Dimech Castille Square, Valletta, Malta

Children Deserve Peace - Palestine's Call for Justice With a death toll of around 22000 including 9000 children in two months, the Palestinian people demand JUSTICE. Join us on the […]


Annual General Meeting 2024

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

This year's annual general meeting will take place on Thursday 1st February at 6.30pm, at our premises at 67, Strait Street, Valletta. All Moviment Graffitti members are invited to participate […]


Genocide in the Mediterranean – Gaza Beach Symbolic Action

Għadira Bay X992+X4M, Mellieħa, Malta

Not too far away from us, on the coast of the Mediterranean, a genocide is currently unfolding before our eyes. Like Malta, Gaza has sandy beaches, with the difference that […]


Pussy Powerful: A Poster to Pamphlet Making Workshop

Valletta Design Cluster 25 Bull Street, Valletta, Malta

Have a lot of emotions and not sure what to do with them? Join us for a workshop with Anna Calleja and Fran Zammit on Friday 9th February 17:30-21:30 at […]


Queer Film Club: Welcome to Chechnya

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

For MGRM's second film screening of the year, we will be collaborating with Moviment Graffitti, for a screening of David France's powerful documentary "Welcome to Chechnya". Entry for this screening […]


Baħar Ċimiterju 2024

Gardjola Gardens VGR7+4PJ, Senglea, Malta

Join us to commemorate people who have died, gone missing or become victims of enforced disappearance on their journey across the world's borders. We are meeting at Gardjola Gardens, Senglea, […]


Ċine-Palestina Women: 3000 Nights

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

Join us for another edition of Ċine-Palestina where we will be screening the film 3000 Nights (2015), dir. Mai Masri. As part of our lead up for Women's Day 2024 […]


Women’s Day – Tote Bags Workshop

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

Join us for an evening of creativity as part of our events around this year's Women’s Day. You can bring an old tote bag and transform it into a feminist […]


Jum il-Mara – Flimkien għal-Liberazzjoni Kollettiva

Triton Fountain Vjal Nelson, Valletta, Malta

Nistiednu lill-pubbliku biex jingħaqad magħna l-Ġimgħa 8 ta’ Marzu għall-marċ il-Belt Valletta fl-okkażjoni tal-Jum Internazzjonali tal-Mara 2024. Il-Jum Internazzjonali tal-Mara jgħaqqad flimkien lin-nisa kollha li ġġieldu kontra l-inġustizzji u għall-bidla […]


NO! to 13-storey tower in Xemxija – Press Conference

Triq Piscopo Macedonia Triq Piscopo Macedonia, Xemxija, Malta

Il-Moviment Graffitti qed jappoġġja lir-residenti fil-ġlieda tagħhom kontra żvilupp massiv ieħor li qiegħed jiġi propost fix-Xemxija. Torri ta’ 13-il sular (PA/00865/24) qed jiġi propost biex jinbena fuq art tax-xagħri u […]


We Stand Together, We Won’t Forget

Parliament Square Valletta City Gate, Valletta, Malta

Join us for another protest on the 9th of March from 15:00-17:00 in front of the Maltese Parliament. We need to STAND TOGETHER against the genocide happening to our beloved […]
