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Film Screening – Call Jane

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

 Join us for a film screening of Call Jane on Thursday 16th February, and afterwards for a drink together at our premises in Valletta!  Call Jane is inspired by the […]


MASKARATI – Carnival Party

Klabb Ħawaj Klabb Ħawaj, Triq in-Naxxar, San Ġwann, Malta

Wasal iż-żmien mistenni minn kulħadd! Ejjew bil-kostumi estravaganti u qattaw ftit sigħat ta' bluha ma' kwirs ohra. Ingħaqdu magħna u ħudu drink jew għidu kelma bejn tnejn nhar l-18 ta’ […]


Vigil for Justice – Justice for Sion

Law Courts VGX6+9RQ, Republic Street, Valletta, Malta

 Join us on Thursday 23rd February for a vigil in front of the Courts of Justice, Valletta at 6:30pm  Together with her family, we will be commemorating Sion’s life, remembering […]


Film Screening – Suffragette

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

 Bħala parti mill-avvenimenti li qegħdin norganizzaw għall-okkażjoni tal-Jum Internazzjonali tal-Mara 2023, Il-Moviment Graffitti se juri l-film Suffragette nhar il-Ġimgħa 3 ta’ Marzu fis- 6.30 p.m. ġewwa 67, Strait Street, il-Belt […]


The Struggle in Iran – Documentary Screening and Discussion

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

 On the occasion of International Woman's Day we are organizing a film screening and discussion in solidarity with the struggle of women in Iran.  Join us for a film screening […]


Women’s March Malta 2023

Law Courts VGX6+9RQ, Republic Street, Valletta, Malta

 Wednesday, 8th March is International Women’s Day 2023. Women’s day has a long history of women protesting against injustices and fighting for change as well as remembering their struggles and […]


Konferenza Stampa – Daqshekk Bini fuq Kemmuna!

Hili Ventures Nineteen Twenty Three,, Triq Valletta, Marsa, Malta

 Despite unprecedented public opposition, Hili Group shows no signs of withdrawing its plans to create a complex of villas overlooking Santa Marija Bay in Comino. Contrary to Hili’s insistence, the […]


Press Conference – Give us a Safe Efficient Transport System!

Parliament Square Valletta City Gate, Valletta, Malta

 After a year of record road fatalities in 2022 and perpetual road congestion, we will be addressing the press in front of Parliament in Valletta to push the Maltese authorities […]


Thrift for Solidarity – Fundraiser for Turkish/Syrian LGBTIQ+

Maori Bar Boat Street, Valletta, Malta

MGRM, YMCA Malta, Moviment Graffitti and friends will be thrifting to fundraise for our LGBTQI+ siblings in Turkey and Syria. Our community members will host stalls with clothes, books, art […]


Malta Mhux Għall-Bejgħ!

Monument of Manuel Dimech Castille Square, Valletta, Malta

 Ingħaqdu magħna hekk kif se nkunu qegħdin insejħu lill-gvern biex jieħu azzjoni b’saħħitha, fil-kuntest tas-sentenza monumentali li ngħatat mill-qorti kontra l-privatizzazzjoni tat-tliet sptarijiet tal-gvern.  Is-sentenza, li annulat il-ftehimiet tal-mistħija, li […]


Playing for Justice – Free the El Hiblu 3

Law Courts VGX6+9RQ, Republic Street, Valletta, Malta

Join us to celebrate the El Hiblu 3 and demand that the Maltese authorities drop the charges against them! Short speeches will be followed by live music from members of […]


Exhibition ‘Like Flour’ – Testimonies from Detention during the Pandemic

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

 ‘Like Flour’ is a project spearheaded by photojournalist Joanna Demarco. The project navigates the experiences of people who were detained in Malta’s migrant detention centres during the pandemic, questioning and […]
