Voice for Choice is the first Maltese pro-choice coalition made up of civil society organisations and individuals who together want [...]
Today 8th March is International Women’s Day. More than a day to celebrate, for us it represents a day to [...]
Eleven NGOs are indignant at the Planning Authority’s failure to revise the current fuel stations policy and at comments indicating [...]
Today’s decision of the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal is a significant win in the fight against the monstrous db [...]
Nilqgħu b’sodisfazzjon kbir id-deċiżjoni tal-Ministru Konrad Mizzi li jirtira l-avviż għat-trasferiment tal-art lill-Grupp Corinthia. Filwaqt li nifhmu li din mhijiex [...]
RIGHT NOW: At the Global Climate Strike For Future – marching from the University of Malta to Parliament. Those wanting [...]
A year has passed from the Environment’s Minister declaration that the 2015 Fuel Service Station Policy is wrong and needs [...]
Ilbieraħ membru tal-Moviment Graffitti u attivist fil-Kamp Emerġenza Ambjent għamel żjara ġewwa Bulebel (Alex Caruana), flimkien ma’ numru ta’ persuni [...]
Intervista mix-Xgħajra dwar ir-reklamazzjoni tal-art Attivist tal-Moviment Graffitti ġie ntervistat fuq TVAM mix-Xgħajra dwar ir-reklamazzjoni tal-art. “L-ewwel ħaġa rridu nifhmu [...]
People are fed up of the rich and powerful walking all over them and buying out governments. That, activists believe, [...]