Il-fatt li l-Prim Ministru ilbieraħ filgħaxija (2 ta’ Mejju, l-għada ta’ Jum il-Ħaddiem) stqarr li l-Maltin m’għandhomx jagħmlu ċertu xogħlijiet [...]
Moviment Graffitti welcomes the long-awaited review of the Fuel Service Station Policy for public consultation. The organisation is satisfied that [...]
llum ipparteċipajna mbikkma fit-tqegħid ta’ fjuri b’tifkira ta’ Lassanna, magħruf ma’ sħabu bħala ‘Lass’. Lass inqatel b’tiri f’rasu fil-lejl tas-6 [...]
Callus spjega li l-ewwel ħaġa li jrid ikun hemm hija d-distinzjoni bejn kliem ta’ mibegħda, li huwa diskors ta’ mibgħeda [...]
We are deeply saddened by news of the death of Lassine Souleymane, brutally shot in Ħal Far over the weekend. [...]
An online timer counting the days, hours, minutes and seconds from the Environment Minister’s promise on the 25th January 2018 [...]
Attivist tal-Moviment Graffitti kien fuq il-programm Follow-Up, fejn ġew diskussi numru ta’ temi fosthom l-azzjoni diretta kontra l-pompi tal-petrol fl-ODZ [...]
Twelve organizations representing a broad spectrum of society filed a judicial protest against the Minister for Transport and the Planning [...]
Assedju PA is coming to an end this evening, with activists currently clearing the campsite convinced that the pressure on [...]