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Moviment Graffitti files FOI demanding all correspondence between PA’s Executive Council, developer Joseph Portelli

Moviment Graffitti has filed a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the Planning Authority’s (PA) FOI Officer to demand access [...]

Marsaskala residents have spoken. Will you listen to them?

On the 20th of January 2022, the Marsaskala Local Council met with Minister Ian Borg on the issue of the [...]

Baħar Ċimiterju

Global Day of CommemorAction for the Dead, Missing, Persecuted and Forcefully Disappeared at Sea and at the Borders. 1,971 people died [...]

Sieħeb, jekk jogħġbok – Rafel Grima

Il-qtil ta’ Paulina Dembska għandu jallarmana għaliex huwa indikazzjoni ċara li, lil hinn mill-ħafna eloġji dwar l-ugwaljanza, fil-verità hemm numru [...]

Sannat mega-development by Portelli and his partners is clearly illegal and must be stopped at once

Moviment Graffitti states that the countless abuses committed by developers like Portelli are leaving a trail of destruction in Gozo [...]

Għejejna u Xbajna

We’re sick and tired: A number of organisations working in the field of human and women’s rights expressed their anger [...]

Residents and organisations request EU examination of planned Marsaskala Marina

Letter signed by 700 individuals and 8 organisations asks for investigation of potential breach of several EU regulations Marsaskala residents [...]

DB project – battle against greed continues in Court

Three Local Councils together with several organisations and residents have filed two Court actions against the approval of the massive [...]

University exam policy unsafe and illogical – Moviment Graffitti

Moviment Graffitti support calls from KSU and Academic Staff, proposed to move lectures and exams online Studenti Graffitti, the student [...]

Moviment Favur il-Ġid Komuni – Marie Claire Gatt

Għal sena oħra, bħala Moviment Graffitti sibna ruħna naħdmu mill-qrib ma’ diversi komunitajiet madwar il-gżejjer Maltin. Fil-qofol ta’ din il-ħidma [...]