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Mixja – Save Wied Żnuber

📢 Il-mixja lejn Wied Żnuber li kellha titħassar minħabba l-maltemp f’Marzu ser issir il-Ħadd 15 ta’ Mejju fid-9:30am.

⚠️ B’Wied Żnuber u ż-żona tal-madwar mhedda serjament minn pjan għal mitjar tal-mudelli tal-ajruplani, f’din il-mixja ser napprezzaw aħjar dak li ser jintilef b’dan il-proġett qerriedi.

🚶 🚶‍♀️ Niltaqgħu ħdejn il-knisja ta’ Bengħajsa, Birżebbuġa, minn fejn nitilqu għal mixja qasira sas-sit fejn huwa pjanat dan il-mitjar. Magħna ser jingħaqdu esperti tal-istorja u tan-natura li ser jagħtuna tagħrif dwar l-importanza ta’ dan il-post, il-ħlejjaq u l-fdalijiet storiċi tiegħu.

🦋 Kulħadd mistieden jattendi. Din attività ideali wkoll għat-tfal għaliex tagħtihom l-opportunità li jgħożżu dak li fadlilna mill-wirt naturali u storiku ta’ pajjiżna. Min irid, jista’ jġib ikel u xorb għal piknik fuq il-post kif ukoll kartelluni favur il-ħarsien tal-ispazji miftuħa tagħna.

✈️ Għall-kuntrarju ta’ dak li ntqal mill-promoturi tal-proġett tal-mitjar, l-art li ser tittieħed hija art naturali u agrikola, u tinsab biswit l-irdum u l-wied. Għalhekk, il-mitjar mhux biss ser jeqred ix-xagħri u r-raba’ li fuqhom ser jinbena, iżda ser jkisser ukoll is-serenità tal-wied u tal-irdum bit-tniġġis tad-dawl u tal-istorbju.

❗Qed nisħqu li s-sit inkwistjoni, li kien ġie inkluż bħala parti miż-żona industrijali, jiġi desinjat bħala ODZ ħalli jkun jista’ jkompli jitgawda mill-pubbliku, jintuża mill-bdiewa u jservi ta’ buffer zone għas-sit tan-Natura 2000.

🌼 Narawkom il-Ħadd 15 ta‘ Mejju sabiex napprezzaw l-ambjent u l-istorja madwar Wied Żnuber filwaqt li nkomplu nuru l-oppożizzjoni tagħna lejn il-pjanijiet li qed jhedduh.



📢 The walk to Wied Żnuber which had to be cancelled due to bad weather in March will be held on Sunday 15th May at 9:30am.

⚠️ As Wied Żnuber and surrounding area are seriously threatened by plans for a miniature airstrip, the walk will help us understand better what this devastating project will cost us.

🚶 🚶‍♀️ We will meet by the church of Bengħajsa in Birżebbuġa, from where we will walk to the site of the proposed airstrip. We will be joined by historians and biologists, who will be talking to us about the importance of this place, its plants and animals, and its historical relics.

🦋 Everyone is welcome to attend. This is an ideal activity for children because it will give them the opportunity to cherish what we have left of our country’s natural and historical heritage. Feel free to bring food and drinks for a picnic and posters in support of our open spaces.

✈️ Contrary to what promoters of the project have said, the airstrip will take natural and agricultural land located around the cliffs and the valley. The airstrip project will destroy the garigue and fields on which it will be built but will also break the serenity of the area with light and noise pollution.

❗We are insisting that the site, which has been included as part of the industrial zone, be designated as ODZ so that it can be enjoyed by the public, used by the farmers and serve as a buffer zone to the Natura 2000 site.

🌼 See you on Sunday 15th May for our walking tour in appreciation of the environment and history of Wied Żnuber surroundings and in show of our opposition to the plans threatening it.