Let’s meet up this Sunday, 24th March!
The threat of losing Manoel Island is very real. Let’s all meet up to show the authorities that Manoel Island must remain for the people. We are inviting the public for a picnic this Sunday (24th March) on Manoel Island at 3pm. Bring your kids along, and your own food and drinks.
Everyone is invited to join. Let’s meet and enjoy open space, and send a strong message that Manoel Island must remain accessible to all.
Niltaqgħu l-Ħadd, 24 ta’ Marzu!
Manoel Island tinsab taħt theddida. Ejjew ningħaqdu kollha flimkien biex nuru li aħna rridu li Manoel Island tibqa’ tal-poplu. Qed nistiednu lill-pubbliku biex nhar Ħadd il-Palm (24 ta’ Marzu) niltaqgħu lkoll Manoel Island għal picnic fit-3pm. Ġibu lit-tfal magħkom, u l-ikel u x-xorb tagħkom.
Din se tkun attività soċjali biex niltaqgħu flimkien u ngawdu lil Manoel Island sabiex ngħaddu messaġġ b’saħħtu li Manoel Island għandha tibqa’ titħalla titgawda minn kulħadd. Ejjew bi ħġarkom!