Residenti ta’ Birżebbuġa flimkien ma’ diversi għaqdiet qegħdin isejħu Konferenza Stampa għal nhar is-Sibt 5 ta’ Marzu fl-10:30, ġewwa l-pjazza tal-knisja ta’ Birżebbuġa, sabiex jispjegaw l-oppożizzjoni tagħhom għal proġett enormi fiż-żona ta’ Wied Żnuber.
Wied Żnuber jinsab mhedded minn proġett ta’ airstrip għall-mudelli tal-ajruplani li se jinvolvi radam estensiv tax-xagħri, strippa twila ta’ tarmak, bini ta’ clubhouse u tniġġis qawwi bid-dawl u l-istorbju li se jeqirdu s-serenità tal-wied u tal-irdum. Dan f’sit li parti minnu, u biswit tiegħu, huwa Natura 2000; jiġifieri sit li l-awtoritajiet stess jagħrfu li huwa ekoloġikament sensittiv. Fih jinsabu annimali protetti, veġetazzjoni importanti u anka siti storiċi.
Il-proġett se jsarraf ukoll fit-tkeċċija ta’ numru ta’ bdiewa mill-art li jaħdmu.
Il-pjan għal din il-mitjar tħabbar ftit tal-ġimghat ilu wara l-iffirmar ta’ ftehim bejn l-aġenzija tal-Gvern INDIS u assoċċjazzjoni tat-titjir tal-mudelli tal-ajruplani. Ħadd ma kien ġie ikkonsultat dwar dan il-proġett li mistenni jkollu impatti ambjentali u soċjali kbar.
Ir-residenti u l-għaqdiet se jispjegaw li, filwaqt li huma jirrispettaw lil min għandu d-delizzju tat-titjir tal-mudelli tal-ajruplani, pjan ta’ dan it-tip m’għandux isir askapitu tal-ambjent naturali u tal-ispazji miftuħa tagħna.
Kulħadd huwa mistieden jattendi l-Konferenza Stampa.
Residents of Birżebbuġa, together with various organisations, are calling a press conference on Saturday 5th March at 10:30am at the Birzebbuġa parish square to explain their opposition to the massive project in the area of Wied Żnuber
Wied Żnuber is threatened by plans to develop an airstrip for model aeroplanes that will involve the burying of large areas of garigue, a long strip of tarmac, the construction of a clubhouse, as well as both noise and light pollution that will destroy the serenity of the valley and cliffs. This site and its surroundings are part of the Natura 2000 network – meaning that the authorities themselves recognise it as being ecology sensitive. It is home to various protected species of flora and fauna, as well as historical sites.
The project will also result in several farmers being evicted from their fields.
The plans for this mini-airport were announced several weeks ago after an agreement was signed between the INDIS government agency and model aeroplane enthusiast associations. No other stakeholders or organisations were consulted on a project that is expected to have a significant environmental and social impact.
Residents and organisations will explain that while they respect model aeroplane hobbyists, such plans should not go ahead at the expense of our environment and open spaces.
The press conference is open to all who wish to attend.