Pjazza San Ġorġ fir-Rabat, Għawdex tinsab invażata mill-imwejjed u s-siġġijiet tal-istabbilimenti kummerċjali. Il-pjazza tinsab tant okkupata li mhux biss l-aċċess pubbliku qed jiġi ostakolat, imma saħansitra anki okkażjonijiet bħal tiġijiet u funerali qed jiġu mxekkla. Fi kliem l-Arċipriet tal-Bażilika ta’ San Ġorġ, “is-sitwazzjoni issa waslet fix-xifer”.
Nhar is-Sibt, 15 ta’ Ġunju fil-11am, se nkunu qed ningħaqdu mal-Arċipriet Joseph Curmi, ma’ membri mis-Soċjetà Filarmonika La Stella u l-mużew Il-Ħaġar sabiex nagħtu Konferenza Stampa fi Pjazza San Ġorġ dwar din is-sitwazzjoni. L-għaqdiet Għawdix, Din l-Art Ħelwa – Għawdex, u l-FAA, flimkien ma’ gruppi ta’ residenti minn lokalitajiet oħra affettwati se jkunu qed jipparteċipaw ukoll.
Pjazza San Ġorġ hija ta’ kulħadd, u ħadd m’għandu dritt jaħtaf art pubblika u jagħmilha tiegħu. Il-pjazza ġiet pedonalizzata sabiex titgawda min-nies, u mhux biex tispiċċa kkapparata mir-regħba ta’ xi wħud. Huwa evidenti li l-famuż bilanċ bejn l-interessi kummerċjali u l-interessi tal-komunità mhuwiex qed jintlaħaq; mhux biss mhux jintlaħaq, iżda l-miżien qed jegħleb kompletament lejn l-interessi ta’ min jabbuża mill-ispazju pubbliku.
Minkejja d-diversi tentattivi għal djalogu u kompromess, l-awtoritajiet responsabbli, jiġifieri l-Awtorità tal-Artijiet, l-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar, u l-Awtorità Maltija għat-Turiżmu, qed jibqgħu jfarfru r-responsabbiltà tagħhom u jħallu l-abbuż jirrenja f’din il-pjazza.
In-nuqqas ta’ azzjoni u infurzar min-naħa tal-awtoritajiet responsabbli qed iwassal biss biex ikompli jinċentiva l-abbuż. Attwalment, l-erba’ daħliet tal-pjazza jinsabu kollha imblokkati. Is-sitwazzjoni hija tant gravi li min ikollu tieġ jew funeral qed ikollu jitkarrab mal-awtoritajiet u mas-sidien tar-restoranti biex forsi jċaqilqu l-imwejjed u s-siġġijiet. Dan mhuwiex aċċettabbli.
Inħeġġu lill-Għawdxin jingħaqdu magħna għal din il-Konferenza Stampa b’għajta waħda: “Tuna Lura Pjazza San Ġorġ!”
Din il-Konferenza Stampa tifforma parti mill-kampanja tagħna ‘Il-Bankini taċ-Ċittadini’. Infakkrukom iżżuru s-sit tagħna www.ilbankinitaccittadini.org sabiex taraw x’qed nipproponu.
St. George’s Square in Rabat, Gozo is completely taken over by tables and chairs put outside by catering establishments. The square has become totally occupied by catering furniture to the point that not only public access is being obstructed, but even occasions such as weddings and funerals are being hindered. In the words of the Archpriest of the Basilica of St.George, “the situation has now reached the brink”.
On Saturday, June 15 at 11am, we will be joining Archpriest Joseph Curmi, Soċjetà Filarmonika La Stella and Il-Ħaġar museum to give a Press Conference in St. George’s Square about this situation. The NGOs Għawdix, Din l-Art Ħelwa – Għawdex and Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar (FAA), together with groups of residents from other affected localities, will also be participating.
St. George’s Square belongs to everyone, and no one has the right to grab public land and do whatever they like with it. The pedestrianisation of the square was meant for the people’s enjoyment of the square, and not for the square to end up being exploited by the greed of some. It is evident that the balance between commercial interests and community interests is not being met. Not only is it not being met, but it is clear that only the interests of those who abuse public space are being considered.
Despite the various attempts at dialogue and compromise, the responsible authorities, namely the Lands Authority, the Planning Authority, and the Maltese Tourism Authority, continue to shirk their responsibility and let abuse reign free in the square.
The lack of action and enforcement on the part of the responsible authorities is only incentivising further abuse. Currently, the four entrances to the square are all blocked. The situation is so grave that anyone who needs to hold a wedding or a funeral is having to plead with the authorities and restaurant owners to move the tables and chairs. This is not acceptable.
We encourage the people of Gozo to join us for this Press Conference to demand that St. George’s Square is given back to the people.
This Press Conference forms part of our campaign ‘Il-Bankini taċ-Ċittadini’. We remind you to visit our website www.ilbankinitaccitadini.org to see the demands that we are putting forward.