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Housing for All

SOS Malta, together with non-profits and civil society organisations in Malta and across the European Union is participating in the European Citizens Initiative ‘Housing for All’. The aim of this initiative is to “bring about better legal and financial framework conditions to facilitate access to housing for everyone in Europe”

Changes in Malta’s society as well as developments in the property market are resulting towards decreased housing affordability across many sectors of Maltese society.

The demands of the European Citizens Initiative on the European Commission are to ensure:

  • Easier access for all to social and affordable housing
  • Not applying the Maastricht criteria to public investment in social
    and affordable housing
  • Better access to EU funding for non-profit and sustainable housing
  • Social, competition-based rules for short-term rentals and
  • The compilation of statistic on housing needs in Europe.

Malta has to reach a minimum of 4,500 signatures.