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Her-Story: Women’s Suffrage in Malta

In October 1947, women in Malta could vote for the first time.

Maltese women did not take to the streets to fight for the vote but it was still a huge struggle, fought in the corridors of power and on the media, until their right as equal citizens was recognised by a male dominated political system. Such important events of her-story are often neglected and perhaps not given the importance they deserve.

Today, 76 years later, women’s political representation in Malta still remains relatively low. Women have still not managed to make significant inroads in the local political sphere. We will be discussing the part of her-story related to women’s suffrage in Malta with Professor Carmen Sammut who has published research in this area.

Professor Sammut will give a short presentation on the topic followed by a community discussion.

We invite you to join us for a glass of wine and to participate in the conversation on Monday, 23rd October at 6.30 p.m.

Entrance is free.