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FemiFest – Queer Edition

✊ We will be having various events! Feel free to join us for the whole FemiFest, or drop in for your preferred activities.

Programme of events 👇

  • 4 – 6 pm: Workshops: Making queer placards, queer flags, and queer earrings!
  • 6:30 – 8 pm: Community Discussion on queer women in feminist spaces
  • 9pm: Move your body and dance!

🎨 Entrance is free, and we will provide all the materials needed for the workshops. However, you are welcome to bring with you any fabric, paints or other supplies. There will also be some light snacks and drinks available throughout.

💜 This event will be a safe space for women and non-binary people.


🏳️‍🌈 Ingħaqdu magħna għall-ewwel FemiFest: Edizzjoni Kwir!

✊ Se jkollna programm mimli attivitajiet! Tista’ tattendi l-FemiFest kollu, jew tiġi għall-attivitajiet li jinteressawk.

Programm ta’ attivitajiet 👇

  • 4 – 6 pm: Workshops: Nagħmlu kartelluni, bnadar u msielet kwir!
  • 6:30 – 8 pm: Diskussjoni bejnietna dwar nisa kwir fi spazji femministi
  • 9pm: Niċċaqalqu mal-mużika!

🎨 Id-dħul huwa b’xejn, u nipprovdu l-materjal għall-workshops aħna. Imma jekk tixtieq iġġib xi drapp, żebgħa jew xi materjal ieħor għal waqt il-workshops, tista’ wkoll. Waqt l-attività jkun hemm ftit tnaqqir u xorb.

💜 Din l-attività se tipprovdi spazju sigur għan-nisa u persuni non-binary.