Environmental organisations are urging the public to oppose developers’ plans to create a complex of villas on the island of [...]
This morning, three organisations – Moviment Graffitti, Friends of the Earth Malta, and Rota – put up banners over gridlock [...]
Għaqda Storja u Kultura Birżebbuġa and Moviment Graffitti have addressed their second letter to the Minister for the Environment, Energy [...]
Eleven agricultural and environmental organisations are calling on the Prime Minister to ensure that suitable agricultural land valuation methods are [...]
Kemm professjonisti u kemm tobba Maltin ilhom issa snin twal iħambqu li Malta għandha l-agħar kwalità ta’ arja fl-Ewropa. Qegħdin [...]
Għaqda Storja u Kultura Birżebbuġa and Moviment Graffitti are calling for the immediate suspension of operations at the tuna recycling [...]
Planning Authority set on giving early Christmas gift to developers 15 organisations are calling on the public to immediately object [...]
Moviment Graffitti, together with residents, Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, and other organisations, have expressed their disgust at Michael Stivala’s proposed [...]
Malta Youth in Agriculture and Moviment Graffitti say Agricultural Leases reforms are not far-reaching enough The Agricultural Leases White Paper [...]
Last week, Infrastructure Malta presented the revamped plans for the Msida Creek Flyovers, illustrated with mature trees but with gaping [...]