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Category: Press Statements

Over 4,000 objections to the proposed ITS project

A record number of over 4,000 objections to the proposed project on the ITS site has been submitted to the [...]

Moviment Graffitti urges Planning Authority to stop choking Malta with Fuel Stations

Moviment Graffitti urges the Planning Authority not to approve more projects tied to shopping complexes, disguised as petrol stations that [...]

Protest in Pembroke – Do Not Bury Us Alive!

Residents in Pembroke are organising a protest titled ‘Do Not Bury Us Alive’ on Wednesdays 16th May. Pembroke, Swieqi and [...]

Do Not Bury Us Alive

Today, residents, the Pembroke and St. Julian’s Local Councils and NGOs have come together to express their concerns at the [...]

Mixed reactions to fuel stations policy proposal

Andre Callus, a spokesman for the NGO Moviment Graffitti, which recently organised a protest at the PA calling for applications [...]

[WATCH] Direct Action – Applications for ODZ fuel stations should not be processed until policy review

Watch video. Activists in Kamp Emerġenza Ambjent together with Moviment Graffitti are today carrying out a non-violent direct action during [...]

Moviment Graffitti endorses Women’s Rights Foundation position on sexual and reproductive health rights

Moviment Graffitti endorses and supports the Women’s Rights Foundation recently released position paper on sexual and reproductive health rights for [...]

Manoel Island an eye-opener to the dangers of privatising public land

Following a month-long struggle to open public access to Manoel Island and efforts to stop commercialisation of the whole area, [...]

Moviment Graffitti salutes Charles Miceli

Moviment Graffitti activists are in utter shock, speechless after receiving the news that Charles Miceli, a towering figure in the [...]

Raise Your Voice Against Violence on Women

It was important for us to organise a march on this day, the International Women’s Day, in solidarity with the [...]