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Category: Press Statements

Jerma Development Brief – Organisations file legal action against deceptive and irregular consultation exercise

Seven organisations filed a judicial protest (see here) against the Planning Authority (PA) for holding a vitiated and irregular consultation [...]

Medical and environmental organisations call for serious measures to improve local air quality

Air Pollution costing the life of more than one person a day in Malta. 28 medical and environmental organisations are [...]

Victory! ODZ development application in L-Għadir withdrawn

We have just been informed that the application for a private old people’s home on ODZ in L-Għadir, Żurrieq, was [...]

Strong objections and wide opposition to ODZ development in L-Għadir

Residents of Safi, Żurrieq and Kirkop have joined forces to oppose a huge building on ODZ land in Żurrieq by [...]

Marsascala residents ask Prime Minister to reconsider Waterpolo Pitch construction proposal

A group of Marsascala residents have written to Prime Minister Robert Abela expressing their concerns about the proposal by the [...]

Miżieb and Aħrax petition gets over 10,000 signatures

Spazji Miftuħa coalition backed by more organisations A petition started by the Outdoor Recreation and Camping Association Malta to defend [...]

Spazji Miftuħa – Launch of Coalition in Defence of Open Spaces

Spazji Miftuħa aims to preserve access to public open spaces    A coalition of groups has been formed in response [...]

Workers’ Day – after Covid-19, let’s build an economy based on justice

This Workers’ Day, Moviment Graffitti wants to express its gratitude towards all the workers currently working around the clock to [...]

The Government must provide information on rescue operations

We are deeply concerned that the fate of around 62 migrants in distress at sea remains shrouded in secrecy. For [...]

Moviment Graffitti welcomes revised Fuel Stations Policy

Moviment Graffitti welcomes the long overdue revision of the Fuel Stations Policy. The new policy, although not perfect, is a [...]