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Category: Press Statements

The fallacy of safer roads — Who will take responsibility for deadly road designs?

On Friday 17 February, activists from Moviment Graffitti, Friends of the Earth Malta and Rota unfolded a banner on Mġarr [...]

L-organizzazzjonijiet jibagħtu ittra miftuħa fejn jitolbu disinn mill-ġdid immedjat ta’ Triq l-Imġarr biex tingħata prijorità lis-sigurtà u l-effiċjenza taċ-ċiklisti u dawk li jkunu mexjin

Ilbieraħ, 15 ta’ Frar, Moviment Graffitti, Friends of the Earth Malta, u Rota bagħtu ittra lill-Ministru għat-Trasport, Infrastruttura u Proġetti [...]

Malta LGBTIQ Rights Movement becomes a member of the Voice for Choice coalition

MGRM – Malta LGBTIQ Rights Movement has joined the Voice for Choice coalition, a group of organisations fighting to decriminalise [...]

Baħar Ċimiterju 2023

Global Day of CommemorAction for the Dead, Missing, Persecuted and Forcefully Disappeared at Sea and at the Borders The government’s [...]

Sham sheep farm in Bidnija – Six organisations and over a hundred persons file application for revocation of permit

Six organisations and over a hundred individuals have filed a collective action for the revocation of the permit for the [...]

Public floods Planning Authority with over 13,500 objections against monstrous “Comino village” development proposal

Plans to create a complex of villas disfiguring Santa Marija Bay on the island of Comino as part of the [...]

Pro-choice organisations reiterate calls for scientific, respectful abortion debate

The Voice for Choice Coalition is emphasising the need for scientifically accurate and objective facts, as reports suggest wholly inaccurate [...]

Organisations call on public to object to monstrous “Comino village” development

Environmental organisations are urging the public to oppose developers’ plans to create a complex of villas on the island of [...]

Prioritise people, not cars

This morning, three organisations – Moviment Graffitti, Friends of the Earth Malta, and Rota – put up banners over gridlock [...]

“Responsibility for stench in Birżebbuġa has to be borne by the Minister” – Second letter addressed to Minister Dalli

Għaqda Storja u Kultura Birżebbuġa and Moviment Graffitti have addressed their second letter to the Minister for the Environment, Energy [...]