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Category: Feminism / Women’s Rights

Malta LGBTIQ Rights Movement becomes a member of the Voice for Choice coalition

MGRM – Malta LGBTIQ Rights Movement has joined the Voice for Choice coalition, a group of organisations fighting to decriminalise [...]

Pro-choice organisations reiterate calls for scientific, respectful abortion debate

The Voice for Choice Coalition is emphasising the need for scientifically accurate and objective facts, as reports suggest wholly inaccurate [...]

Dysfunctional PN Opposition descends into Barbarism in Public Debate on Abortion

Moviment Graffitti applauds the proposed amendment by the Government to allow pregnancy termination when women’s lives and health are at [...]

Improve the Work-Life Balance Law Now

We are a number of civil society organisations representing parents, carers, workers and those working for gender equality and the [...]

Abortion is essential healthcare – Moviment Graffitti’s speech during the Pro-Choice Rally 2022

Malta is the only EU country with a total ban on abortion. This means that people who need abortions must [...]

“Improve the work-life balance law’”, organisations tell Parliamentary Secretary, Hon. Dr Andy Ellul

Nine organisations in support of parental rights, workers’ rights and equality between men and women have sent a letter to [...]

“You’ve failed to protect the interests of the workers” – Organisations with a letter to the unions on the transposition of the European Directive on work-life balance.

Eight organisations active in support of workers’ rights, parental rights and equality between women and men, have sent a letter [...]

Disappointing implementation of the Work-life Balance Directive that goes against the spirit of the law

In a context where Malta still experiences significant inequality between men and women, where the caring burden is still placed [...]

Vjaġġ Lura għall-Ħajja – Claria Cutajar

Malta tibqa’ pajjiż b’wieħed mill-aktar liġijiet stretti tal-abort fid-dinja. Dan apparti n-nuqqas ta’ servizzi tal-ippjanar tal-familja u l-kontraċezzjoni b’xejn… Nhar [...]

Women’s Day Every Day: Less Words More Action

On Sunday the 6th of March, women and supporters of women’s rights will be gathering near the Tritons Fountain at [...]