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Genocide in the Mediterranean – Gaza Beach Symbolic Action

Not too far away from us, on the coast of the Mediterranean, a genocide is currently unfolding before our eyes. Like Malta, Gaza has sandy beaches, with the difference that on them and around them, a genocide is being perpetrated by Israel on the Palestinians.

On Saturday 3rd February at 3pm, we will be gathering at Għadira Bay in a symbolic action against the genocide in Gaza, where we will call for action by Malta and the rest of the world so that Israel ends its atrocities against the Palestinian people.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has just rejected Israel’s request to stop hearing the accusations of genocide against it. The Court also recognised the alarming nature of the actions and statements by Israel’s leaders, ordering Israel to stop killing the Palestinians and to end its siege on Gaza.

However, Israel had already stated that it would not be abiding by the decisions of the international courts.

The genocide of the Palestinians is still ongoing, and it will not stop as long as Israel continues to receive support from the United States and Europe.

We invite you to join us on Saturday, so that we continue to show our solidarity with the Palestinians in such a tragic moment in recent history.




Ftit ‘il bogħod minna, fil-Mediterran, għaddej ġenoċidju. Bħal Malta, Gaża għandha xtut ramlin li fihom u madwarhom qed jitwettaq il-massakru tal-Palestinjani mill-Iżrael.

Nhar is-Sibt 3 ta’ Frar fit-3pm ser niltaqgħu l-bajja tal-Għadira f’azzjoni simbolika kontra l-ġenoċidju f’Gaża, u sabiex insejħu għal azzjoni minn Malta u l-bqija tad-dinja ħalli l-Iżrael iwaqqaf il-ħruxijiet tiegħu kontra l-poplu Palestinjan.

Il-Qorti Internazzjonali tal-Ġustizzja (ICJ) għadha kemm ċaħdet it-talba Iżraeljana sabiex tieqaf tisma’ l-akkużi ta’ ġenoċidju kontrih. Il-Qorti għarfet ukoll li l-azzjonijiet u l-istqarrijiet mill-mexxejja Iżraeljani huma allarmanti u ordnat li l-Iżrael jieqaf joqtol lill-Palestinjani u jtemm l-assedju fuq Gaża.

Iżda l-Iżrael kien diġà stqarr li mhux ser isegwi d-deċiżjonijiet tal-qrati internazzjonali.

Il-ġenoċidju għadu għaddej u mhux ser jieqaf sakemm l-Iżrael jibqa’ jsib appoġġ mill-Istati Uniti u l-Ewropa.

Nistidnukom tingħaqdu magħna nhar is-Sibt sabiex inkomplu nuru s-solidarjetà tagħna mal-poplu Palestinjan f’dan il-mument storiku daqstant traġiku.