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We Deserve Functioning Authorities

We deserve functioning authorities
The people saved Mosta from the authorities’ incompetence

This evening, residents, members of the wider public, and activists gathered in Mosta at the site of the recent standoff to celebrate the successful prevention of the uprooting of 12 mature ficus trees. The protest was both a celebration of the people’s victory in preserving the trees in the square and a call for accountability from the mayor and the local council. Additionally, it underscored the urgent need for a comprehensive overhaul of the Environment and Resource Authority (ERA). This call for reform was driven by a recognition that ERA’s current systemic and structural inadequacies have repeatedly failed to protect Malta’s natural heritage, a role they are entrusted to take seriously.

The protest comes after residents and activists, since Tuesday morning, had stood in the way of contractors attempting to remove the heavily pruned trees from the square. This direct action was a response to the Mosta Local Council’s unanimous decision, pushed by mayor Chris Grech, to relocate the trees as part of the “upgrading” of the square, which decision was approved by ERA. The ficus trees in question are protected by law in view of being within an urban public open space, and are one of a handful of roosting sites for white wagtails (MT zakak abjad, Motacilla alba) spending the winter on the Maltese Islands.

This victory stands as yet another testament to the power of an organised public in achieving justice. However, the fact that the decision to remove the trees was taken by the mayor and council and rubber-stamped by ERA is deeply concerning. It highlights a troubling scenario where the public must oversee authorities to ensure that common sense prevails. It is also reflective of a political system that enforces the idea that politicians need to intervene to serve justice when they feel their popularity is at stake. 

Activists from Moviment Graffitti stressed that legal measures in the pipeline need to be concluded to ensure that the public is appropriately consulted on decisions taken by the ERA board. The ERA itself needs to be rehauled to become a reputable authority. This call comes in light of a string of questionable decisions taken by the authority which were clearly detrimental to the natural environment, notably those leading to the destruction of trees and agricultural land to widen roads, and shocking complacency towards the degradation of Comino for commercial and lucrative activities at the expense of the health of the island nature reserve under the present CEO, Kevin Mercieca.

“We do not want a paternalistic political class, where justice is only served by political intervention as though they are doing the public a favour. We demand authorities that prioritise public welfare and environmental protection, resisting the whims of those wielding power.”


Stqarrija Stampa – 15/11/2023
Aħna ħaqqna awtoritajiet li jiffunzjonaw

In-nies salvaw lill-Mosta mill-inkompetenza tal-awtoritajiet

Illejla, residenti, membri tal-pubbliku u attivisti nġabru l-Mosta fil-post tal-konfrontazzjoni riċenti biex jiċċelebraw il-fatt li rnexxielhom iwaqqfu l-qlugħ ta’ 12-il siġra tal-fikus maturi. Il-protesta kienet kemm ċelebrazzjoni tar-rebħa tan-nies li ġġieldu biex jippreservaw is-siġar fil-pjazza kif ukoll sejħa biex is-sindku u l-kunsill lokali jinżammu responsabbli. Barra minn hekk, il-protesta enfassizat il-ħtieġa urġenti għal reviżjoni komprensiva tal-Awtorita’ tal-Ambjent u r-Riżorsi (ERA). Din is-sejħa għal riforma hi mnebbħa minn rikonoxximent li l-inkompetenza sistematika u strutturali tal-ERA ripetutament naqset milli tipproteġi l-wirt naturali ta’ Malta, rwol li huma fdati biex jieħdu bis-serjeta’.

Il-protesta seħħet wara li sa mit-Tlieta filgħodu, residenti u attivisti bdew iwaqqfu lill-kuntratturi li pruvaw ineħħu s-siġar mill-pjazza. Din l-azzjoni diretta kienet risposta għad-deċiżjoni unanima tal-Kunsill Lokali tal-Mosta, imbuttata mis-sindku Chris Grech, li s-siġar jiġu rilokati bħala parti mir-riġenerazzjoni tal-pjazza, liema deċiżjoni ġiet approvata mill-ERA. Is-siġar tal-fikus inkwistjoni huma protetti bil-liġi minħabba li qedgħin fi spazju miftuħ pubbliku urban, u huma wieħed minn numru żgħir ta’ siti ta’ mistrieħ għaz-zakak abjad (Motcailla alba) li jqatta’ x-xitwa fil-gżejjer Maltin.

Din ir-rebħa hija xhieda oħra tal-qawwa ta’ pubbliku organizzat fil-kisba tal-ġustizzja. Madankollu, il-fatt li d-deċiżjoni li jitneħħew is-siġar ittieħdet mis-sindku u l-kunsill b’approvazzjoni mill-ERA hija tat-tħassib. Dan jenfasizza xenarju inkwetanti fejn il-pubbliku jrid jissorvelja l-awtoritajiet biex jiżgura li s-sens komun jirbaħ. Jirrifletti wkoll sistema politika li tinforza l-idea li hemm bżonn li jintervjenu l-politiċi biex issir ġustizzja.

Attivisti mill-Moviment Graffitti saħqu li jeħtieġ li jiġu konklużi miżuri legali biex jiġi żgurat li l-pubbliku jkun ikkonsultat kif xieraq dwar deċiżjonijiet meħuda mill-bord tal-ERA. L-ERA stess teħtieġ li tiġi riveduta biex issir awtorita’ reputabbli. Din is-sejħa tiġi fid-dawl ta’ sensiela ta’ deċiżjonijiet dubjużi meħuda mill-awtorità li kienu b’mod ċar ta’ detriment għall-ambjent naturali, speċjalment dawk li wasslu għall-qerda ta’ siġar u art agrikola biex jitwessgħu t-toroq, u nuqqas ta’ azzjoni xokkanti dwar id-degradazzjoni ta’ Kemmuna għal skopijiet kummerċjali u għad-detriment tas-saħħa tar-riserva naturali tal-gżira taħt is-CEO preżenti, Kevin Mercieca.

“Ma rridux klassi politika paternalista, fejn il-ġustizzja ssir biss b’intervent politiku bħallikieku qed jagħmlu pjaċir lill-pubbliku. Aħna rridu awtoritajiet li jagħtu prijorità lill-benesseri pubbliku u lill-ħarsien ambjentali, u jirreżistu l-kapriċċi ta’ dawk li għandhom il-poter.

Il-protesta tal-lejla tiċċelebra lill-komunità li nġabret flimkien għal kawża komuni. L-attivisti ħeġġew ukoll lil dawk li ilhom isegwu l-avvenimenti tal-ġimgħa biex jemmnu fil-qawwa tal-pubbliku li jwettaq bidla soċjali u jikseb ġustizzja.

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