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End the Genocide in Gaza

Palestinians in Gaza are being massacred by Israel with the complicity of Europe. Continuous bombardments led to thousands of children, women and men to be brutally killed. And Gaza is also dying of thirst, hunger and desperation after Israel stopped the supply of water, food and fuel.

Today we gathered in front of Parliament in Valletta, where we lay on the ground in solidarity with the people of Gaza, the victims of a cruel oppression that we cannot even start to imagine.

Gaza is a strip of land the size of Malta, turned into a prison by Israel in 2007. Around two and a half million Palestinians live on this piece of land, most of them refugees forcibly displaced from their land in 1948 with the creation of the Israeli state.

For 75 years, Israel has been forcing Palestinians out of their homes while implementing an apartheid system. And in these last two corners that they have left – Gaza and the West Bank – Israel has continued to colonise Palestinians and to keep them under siege.

But now Israel has moved on to the next phase: Genocide.

There has never been a time when international solidarity with the Palestinian people was needed as much as it is today. Europe should immediately ask for the attacks on Gaza to stop and impose sanctions on Israel as long as it continues to occupy Palestinian lands.


Stqarrija għall-Istampa 21.10.23

Waqqfu l-Ġenoċidju f’Gaża

Il-Palestinjani f’Gaża qed jiġu mmassakrati mill-Iżrael bil-kompliċità tal-Ewropa. Bumbardamenti bla waqfien wasslu għal eluf ta’ tfal, nisa u rġiel maqtula brutalment. U Gaża qed tmut ukoll bil-għatx, bil-ġuħ u bid-disperazzjoni wara li l-Iżrael waqqaf id-dħul tal-ilma, l-ikel u l-fuel.

Illum inġbarna quddiem il-Parlament, il-Belt Valletta, inxteħitna mal-art b’solidarjetà man-nies f’Gaża li huma l-vittimi ta’ ħruxija li lanqas biss nistgħu nimmaġinaw.

Gaża hija strixxa t’art id-daqs ta’ Malta, mibdula f’ħabs mill-Iżrael fl-2007. Fiha jgħixu madwar żewġ miljun u nofs Palesintjan, ħafna minnhom refuġjati li kienu tkeċċew mill-artijiet tagħhom bil-forza fl-1948 meta nħoloq l-istat Iżraeljan.

Għal 75 snin sħaħ, l-Iżrael keċċa lill-Palestinjani minn djarhom u implimenta sistema ta’ apartheid. U anka fl-aħħar żewġ irkejjen li fadlilhom – Gaża u x-Xatt tal-Punent – l-Iżrael komplja jassedjahom u jikkolonizzahom.

Imma issa l-Iżrael għadda għall-fażi li jmiss. Ġenoċidju.

Qatt daqs bħalissa ma hija meħtieġa s-solidarejta internazzjonali mal-poplu Palestinjan. L-Ewropa għandha titlob minnufih għall-waqfien tal-attakki fuq Gaża u timponi sanzjonijiet fuq l-Iżrael sakemm dan jibqa’ jokkupa l-artijiet Palestinjani.

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