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The People for Comino

Scores of people joined Moviment Graffitti today Saturday 13th August 2022 in the public protest ‘Kemmuna ta’ Kulħadd – Reclaim Blue Lagoon on Comino’ to express their anger at the authorities’ inaction towards the over-commercialisation of the Blue Lagoon. Armed with placards and chants, protestors peacefully ensured that the shore remained free of the deckchairs and umbrellas which usually smother the coast by early morning everyday in summer.

The protest is the second action of the kind this summer, with a surprise appearance by activists who cleared the beach of deckchairs and umbrellas sending waves of approval across the country. Today’s protest also follows two open letters to five ministers who are responsible for several aspects of the island’s management, laying down demands to ensure the Blue Lagoon’s protection and unbridled public access. It was made clear that the pressure on authorities will not subside as long as a few people with money and political influence snatch what rightfully belongs to the people while overexploiting a nature reserve for their private profits.

Moviment Graffitti reiterated their demands for immediate action to stop the damage being done to the Blue Lagoon and return the beach to the people:

  1. Deckchairs and umbrellas are only set up at the request of a person physically present on the spot, and AT NO TIME should they occupy more than 30% of the entire area of the Blue Lagoon.
  2. Big boats which disembark hundreds of tourists at a time should be prohibited from Comino.
  3. There should be a limit of two small kiosks, without music, in the Blue Lagoon.
  4. There should be restrictions on the type and amount of waste generated, and this should be collected every day in the evening to avoid sustaining rats, which cause great damage to the natural environment.

The protest was endorsed by Għawdix, ACT Malta, BirdLife Malta, Din l-Art Ħelwa, Extinction Rebellion Malta, Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, Friends of the Earth Malta, Grow 10 Trees ‘Project (G10T), MaYA Foundation, Nature Trust Malta, Rota, The Archaeological Society Malta, The Ramblers’ Association of Malta, and Żminijietna – Voice of the Left.


Il-Poplu Favur il-Ħarsien ta’ Kemmuna

Illum ħafna nies ingħaqdu mal-Moviment Graffitti fi protesta pubblika ‘Kemmuna ta’ Kulħadd – Nieħdu Lura l-Blue Lagoon’ u esprimew ir-rabja sħiħa tagħhom għan-nuqqas ta’ azzjoni mill-awtoritajiet fir-rigward tal-kummerċjalizzazzjoni tal-Blue Lagoon. Armati b’kartelluni u għajtiet, id-dimostranti żguraw li x-xatt jibqa’ ħieles mid-deckchairs u l-umbrelel li fis-sajf joħonqu l-bajja sa minn kmieni filgħodu kuljum.

Din il-protesta hija t-tieni azzjoni f’Kemmuna dan is-sajf. Ftit ilu rajna grupp ta’ attivisti jżarmaw id-deckchairs u l-umbrelel mill-bajja u jiksbu l-approvazzjoni tal-pajjiż kollu. F’dan ir-rigward, intbagħatu żewġ ittri miftuħa lill-ħames ministri responsabbli minn bosta aspetti tal-ġestjoni tal-gżira, ittri li jistabbilixxu talbiet ċari favur il-ħarsien tal-Blue Lagoon u l-aċċess pubbliku. Il-Moviment Graffitti saħaq li l-pressjoni tiegħu fuq l-awtoritajiet mhijiex ser tonqos ġaladarba n-nies li għandhom il-flus u l-influwenza politika ħatfu dak li huwa tal-poplu bi dritt u għadhom qegħdin jagħmlu li jridu f’riżerva naturali.

Il-Moviment Graffitti jinsisti li tittieħed azzjoni immedjata kontra l-ħsara li qegħda ssir lill-Blue Lagoon u li l-bajja tingħata lura lin-nies:

  1. Id-deckchairs u l-umbrelel jintramaw biss fuq talba ta’ persuna fiżikament preżenti fuq il-post u FL-EBDA ĦIN m’għandhom jokkupaw iktar minn 30% taż-żona kollha tal-Blue Lagoon.
  2. Id-dgħajjes il-kbar, li jieħdu mijiet ta’ turisti f’salt wieħed, ikunu projbiti minn Kemmuna.
  3. Ikun hemm limitu ta’ żewġ gabbani żgħar, mingħajr daqq ta’ mużika, fil-Blue Lagoon.
  4. Ikun hemm limitu fuq it-tip u l-ammont ta’ skart iġġenerat, u dan jinġabar kuljum, qabel il-lejl, sabiex ma jkomplux jitkattru l-firien li qed jagħmlu ħsara kbira lill-ambjent naturali.

Il-protesta saret fi sħab ma’ Għawdix, ACT Malta, BirdLife Malta, Din l-Art Ħelwa, Extinction Rebellion Malta, Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, Friends of the Earth Malta, Grow 10 Trees ‘Project (G10T), MaYA Foundation, Nature Trust Malta, Rota, The Archaeological Society Malta, The Ramblers’ Association of Malta u Żminijietna – Voice of the Left.

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