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Women’s Day March Malta

8 ta’ Marzu Jum il-Mara – 8th March Women’s Day

Moviment Graffitti and Women’s Rights Foundation, with the support of the organizations below, are inviting you to participate in a walk in Valletta on the occasion of Women’s Day.

Women’s Day represents all the fights, efforts, battles and claims that women from all around the world and in different periods throughout history, have carried out for equality; to improve their lives and to gain freedom and respect.

In the past century, many changes have happened both legally and in the social and private lives of women in Malta. Yet, we still cannot consider our society to be free from patriarchal attitudes and behaviours. Girls and women get harassed on several occasions in their daily lives. Sexist and misogynist language and messages are widely used in the form of friendly ambiguous jokes, as well as in advertisements, in the media and on social networks.

Dramatically, Malta has witnessed several cases of domestic violence and a number of femicides (women killed by their partner, their ex-partner or a relative) in the past years, the last case, just at the beginning of February, being that of 34-year old Chantelle Chetcuti, who was brutally murdered by her ex-partner.

We invite all women and all those living in Malta who want to raise their voice against gender inequality and sexism to join us on Sunday 8th March. We are all different, everyone facing her/his own struggles caused by a sexist society, but we can join forces and change this reality.

NGOs supporting the march:
Aditus Foundation, Allied Rainbow Communities, Association for Equality, Doctors for Choice Malta, Integra Foundation, Isles of the left, LGBT+ Gozo, MGRM, Malta Confederation of Women’s Organisations, Men against violence, Moviment Graffitti, SOS Malta, Women for women, Women’s Rights Foundation, YPB, Żminijietna Malta