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Candidates from the fifth district asked about their position on Wied Żnuber

Labour Party, Nationalist Party and ADPD candidates from the fifth district have been asked about their position on the Wied Żnuber issue.

Candidates received a joint email from the Birżebbuġa History and Culture Association, Moviment Graffitti, BirdLife Malta and Din l-Art Ħelwa, which explains that Wied Żnuber is threatened by plans for a miniature airstrip by the valley and cliffs of the area. The message highlights the ecological, agricultural and historical importance of the site and how this project will threaten the surroundings with continuous light and noise pollution.

The area earmarked for development into an airstrip is currently an Indis Malta Ltd. site. With a week and a half to go before the general election, these organisations are asking to know if candidates agree with the residents and associations’ request that the area becomes a designated ODZ to secure its future as undeveloped land.

The miniature airstrip was announced last month during the signing of an agreement between the government agency INDIS and an aircraft model flight association. Residents, the Local Council and other stakeholders have not been consulted on these plans, details of which are being kept secret.

Candidates’ answers will be published early next week.


Il-kandidati fuq il-ħames distrett mistoqsija dwar il-pożizzjoni tagħhom fuq Wied Żnuber

Il-kandidati kollha tal-Partit Laburista, il-Partit Nazzjonalista u l-ADPD fuq il-ħames distrett ġew mistoqsija dwar il-pożizzjoni tagħhom fil-kwistjoni ta’ Wied Żnuber.

L-Għaqda Storja u Kultura Birżebbuġa, il-Moviment Graffitti, BirdLife Malta u Din l-Art Ħelwa bagħtu email lil kull kandidat fejn spjegaw li Wied Żnuber jinsab mhedded minn pjanijiet għal mitjar tal-mudelli tal-ajruplani biswit il-wied u l-irdum taż-żona. L-għaqdiet semmew kif l-art fejn huwa pjanat dan il-proġett hija ta’ importanza ekoloġika, agrikola u storika, u li dan il-proġett se jhedded ukoll il-madwar tagħha bi tniġġis kontinwu tad-dawl u l-istorbju. 

B’ġimgħa u nofs bogħod mill-elezzjoni, il-kandidati ġew mistoqsija jekk jaqblux mat-talba tar-residenti u l-għaqdiet li ż-żona fejn hemm ippjanat dan il-mitjar, fuq sit tal-INDIS Malta Ltd., issir ODZ sabiex jiġi żgurat il-futur tagħha bħala art mhux żviluppata.

Il-pjan għall-mitjar tħabbar ix-xahar li għadda waqt l-iffirmar ta’ ftehim bejn l-aġenzija tal-Gvern INDIS u assoċċjazzjoni tat-titjir tal-mudelli tal-ajruplan. Ir-residenti, il-Kunsill Lokali u gruppi interessati oħra ma ġewx ikkonsultati dwar dawn il-pjanijiet li d-dettalji tagħhom għadhom qegħdin jinżammu moħbija sal-lum il-ġurnata.

It-tweġibiet tal-kandidati ser jiġu ppublikati kmieni l-ġimgħa d-dieħla. 

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