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Stopped in their tracks

Infrastructure Malta have been forced to remove their machinery from Tas-Sienja, in Dingli, following a direct action this morning involving Moviment Graffitti activists, farmers and residents, with the aim of halting these works.

Infrastructure Malta is yet again exerting unacceptable pressures on residents and farmers in various localities. We have seen similar arrogance in Luqa, Wied Qirda, Tal-Balal, and the Central Link project.

It appears that the pretext for this road is further development in ODZ nearby, since surrounding zones can be developed up to a height of five storeys.

Infrastructure Malta is causing huge damages to the environment and to our communities through its constant pressure.

What we’re witnessing is a huge injustice which government, armed with heavy machinery, is perpetuating to the detriment of the livelihoods of farmers and residents.
We will follow up this issue and we will not shy away from taking whatever action we deem necessary to protect farmers from this continuous bullying.



Infrastructure Malta żarmaw il-makkinarju tagħhom minn Tas-Sienja, f’Ħad Dingli, wara l-intervent tagħna u ta’ bdiewa u residenti ta’ dan ir-raħal fejn waqqafna dawn ix-xogħlijiet bla permess milli jsiru.

Infrastructure Malta reġgħet għal darb’oħra qed tpoġġi pressjonijiet qawwijin fuq residenti u bdiewa fl-irħula tagħna: rajna dan il-qżież iseħħ f’Ħal Luqa, Wied Qirda, tal-Balal, u fil-proġett tas-Central Link.

Jidher ukoll li l-pretest għal din it-triq huwa l-iżvilupp f’ODZ f’din iż-żona, peress li ż-żona tista’ tinfetaħ għall-bini ta’ ħames sulari.

Il-ħsara li qed twettaq Infrastructure Malta hija kbira, bil-pressjoni kostanti tagħhom fuq l-ambjent u s-soċjetà tagħna.

Hija inġustizzja kbira li l-gvern, armat bil-makkinarji, jibqa’ jagħmel din il-ħsara fuq l-għajxien tal-bdiewa u r-residenti.

Se nibqgħu nsegwu din il-kwistjoni u lesti nieħdu kwalunkwe azzjoni meħtieġa biex nipproteġu lill-bdiewa minn dan l-ibbulljar bla limiti.

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