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Letter to Cabinet from Socialists, leftists and progressives

A letter was sent today to all members of Cabinet about the current
situation in our country. The letter was signed by over 350 individuals
and organisations that identify with Socialist, left-wing and
progressive ideas.

The signatories are expressing their outrage
at the current situation and note that the business class has gained
unprecedented power over politics, with resulting effects that are felt
directly by the people.

They are demanding: that the Labour
Party cleans up the mess left behind by members of the business class as
a result of their improper relationship with members of this
Government; the investigation and possible revocation of privatizations;
institutions free from the shackles of partisan politics and from the
influence of those wielding political or economic power; and an an end
to the law of the jungle where some of those who are privileged to be
wealthy seem to consider themselves to be above the law.

The signatories are, among others, workers, students, academics, artists, journalists, and include also Labour Party activists.

You can read the letter and view the signatories here.


Ittra lill-Kabinett minn Soċjalisti, xellugin u progressivi

Illum intbagħtet ittra lill-membri kollha tal-Kabinett dwar is-sitwazzjoni kurrenti fil-pajjiż. Din l-ittra ġiet iffirmata minn ‘il fuq minn 350 individwu u għaqda Soċjalista, xellugija u progressiva.

Il-firmatarji qed jesprimu l-għadab tagħhom lejn is-sitwazzjoni preżenti u jinnutaw li l-klassi tan-negozjanti kisbet poter bla preċedent fuq il-politika, b’effetti li jinħassu fuq il-poplu b’mod dirett.

Qed jitolbu: li l-Partit Laburista inaddaf il-ħmieġ li ħallew membri tal-klassi tan-negozjanti bir-relazzjoni indiċenti tagħhom ma’ membri ta’ dan il-Gvern; investigazzjoni immedjata u possibbilment ir-revokazzjoni tal-privatizzazzjonijiet; istituzzjonijiet ħielsa mill-ktajjen tal-partiġġjaniżmu politiku u mill-indħil ta’ min għandu saħħa politika jew ekonomika; u li tieqaf il-liġi tal-ġungla fejn min għandu l-flus iħoss li huwa ogħla mil-liġi.

Il-firmatarji huma, fost oħrajn, ħaddiema, studenti, akkademiċi, artisti, ġurnalisti, u jinkludu wkoll attivisti tal-Partit Laburista.

Tista’ taqra l-ittra u tara l-firmatarji hawnhekk.

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