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Direct action to stop tree cutting

The senseless destruction of the environment in the name of development is a growing problem which needs to be addressed. In the wake of the uprooting of hundreds of trees all over Malta, the need to take action is now being felt stronger than ever. We are calling for anyone who is interested in joining us to participate in direct actions aimed at effectively stopping trees from being cut down.


Whoever is interested can send their name, surname, e-mail address, link to Facebook profile (if any), and mobile number to


The organisations supporting this initiative are:

Moviment Graffitti, Kamp Emerġenza Ambjent, BAG – Bicycle Advocacy Group, Friends of the Earth Malta, Birdlife Malta, Grow 10 Trees Project, FAA – Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, Nature Trust Malta – NTM, Din l-Art Ħelwa


Azzjoni diretta biex inwaqqfu t-tneħħija tas-siġar


Il-qerda fiergħa tal-ambjent bl-iskuża tal-iżvilupp hija problema kontinwa li jeħtieġ tiġi indirizzata. Hekk kif mijiet ta’ siġar madwar Malta qegħdin jinqalgħu, il-bżonn li tittieħed azzjoni qiegħed jinħass aktar minn qatt qabel. Qegħdin nagħmlu sejħa biex kull min hu interessat, jissieħeb magħna u jipparteċipa f’azzjonijiet diretti bl-għan li nwaqqfu b’mod effettiv it-tneħħija ta’ aktar siġar.


Dawk kollha li huma interessati huma mitluba jibagħtu isimhom, kunjomhom, l-email address, il-link għall-profil tagħhom fuq Facebook (jekk jeżisti) u n-numru tal-mobile f’dan l-indirizz:


L-għaqdiet li qegħdin jappoġġjaw din l-inizjattiva huma:

Moviment Graffitti, Kamp Emerġenza Ambjent, BAG – Bicycle Advocacy Group, Friends of the Earth Malta, Birdlife Malta, Grow 10 Trees Project, FAA – Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, Nature Trust Malta – NTM, Din l-Art Ħelwa

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