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Moviment Graffitti to celebrate its 30th anniversary with Graffesta! concert

2024 marks a major event for the Maltese political scene: the 30th anniversary of the founding of activist group Moviment Graffitti.

Love them or loathe them, the impact that Moviment Graffitti has had on the Maltese socio-political sphere is undeniable. When it comes to standing up for economic, social and environmental justice, they’ve been there through it all, doing their best to stand on the right side of history. As an organisation, the team of volunteers have dedicated all their spare time, energy and resources over the last 30 years into pushing for positive change.

People can celebrate and support Moviment Graffitti by joining in this Friday as they organise one of their biggest celebrations of the year: GRAFFESTA!

The event will be taking place at The Garage, Żebbuġ on the 6th of December and those who join will be able to enjoy a stellar lineup of some of the best bands Malta’s alternative scene has to offer!

KARMAĠENN, the brainchild of Noah Fabri alongside other talented artists, will be bringing their experience of simple moments, from the day-to-day life of Maltese society set to some smashing tunes.

The synth-pop/rock band, and long-time supporter of Moviment Graffitti’s work, BEANGROWERS, will also be joining the evening, playing music guaranteed to get you dancing.

Closing off the live bands are the Maltese indie band, BRODU, bringing their usual impeccable vibes.

To take you through the rest of the night, Moviment Graffitti’s own Martina Guillaumier will be DJ-ing through the evening, and keeping the party going.

Events like these are what keeps the team going, and allows them to continue to fight for justice. Therefore, we thank all the volunteers who offered their time and skills to the event. The funds raised will all be going to help Moviment Graffitti continue with their work for another 30 years!

Tickets can be bought from here. Doors open at 8.30pm.


Il-Moviment Graffitti se jiċċelebra t-30 anniversarju bil-kunċert Graffesta!

L-2024 hija data importanti għax-xena politika Maltija – it-30 anniversarju minn mindu ġie mwaqqaf il-grupp attivist Moviment Graffitti.

Tħobbhom jew tobgħodhom, ħadd ma jista’ jiċħad l-impatt li ħalla l-Moviment Graffitti fuq ix-xena soċjopolitika Maltija. Fejn jidħlu d-drittijiet tal-poplu u l-ġustizzja soċjali, ekonomika u ambjentali, dejjem kienu hemm, jagħmlu dak li jistgħu biex ikunu fuq in-naħa tas-sewwa. Bħala organizzazzjoni, it-tim tal-voluntiera, iddedikaw ħafna mill-ħin liberu, l-enerġija u r-riżorsi tagħhom matul dawn l-aħħar 30 sena biex jaħdmu għal bidla pożittiva.

Il-pubbliku se jkun jista’ jiċċelebra u jappoġġja lill-Moviment Graffitti billi jingħaqad magħhom f’waħda mill-ikbar ċelebrazzjonijiet ta’ din is-sena: GRAFFESTA!

L-attività se ssir ġewwa The Garage, Ħaż-Żebbuġ fis-6 ta’ Diċembru u min jattendi se jkun jista’ jgawdi lineup stellari ta’ wħud mill-aħjar bands li x-xena alternattiva Maltija għandha x’toffri!

KARMAĠENN, kreazzjoni ta’ Noah Fabri, flimkien ma’ bosta artisti tajbin oħrajn se jkunu qegħdin idoqqu mużuka spirata minn affarijiet sempliċi fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum. Is-synth-pop/rock band, li għal ħafna snin ilha tappoġġja x-xogħol tal-Moviment Graffitti.

BEANGROWERS se jieħdu sehem ukoll, b’mużika li b’garanzija se ġġiegħel lin-nies jiżfnu.

L-aħħar band minn dawk li se jdoqqu live se tkun il-band indie BRODU, li se joħolqu s-soltu vibes inimitabbli tagħhom.

Biex tkompli s-serata, waħda mill-attivisti tal-Moviment Graffitti, Martina Guillaumier se tkun qed iddoqq il-mużika sakemm tispiċċa l-attività.

Avvenimenti bħal dawn iżommu lit-tim għaddej, u jgħinhom biex ikomplu jiġġieldu għal ġustizzja. Għalhekk, grazzi għall-voluntiera li ddedikaw il-ħin u l-ħiliet tagħhom għal din l-attività, il-fondi li se jinġabru se jmorru kollha biex jgħinu lill-Moviment Graffiffi jkompli sejjer għal 30 sena oħra!

Il-biljetti jistgħu jinxtraw minn hawnhekk. Il-bibien jinfetħu fit-8.30pm.

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