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Direct action during Budget speech: We are not going to let you ignore the people’s cry for justice.

Today, Moviment Graffitti is carrying out a direct action during the Budget speech.

At present, our country is facing an emergency situation. Powerful interests have seized hold of politics and other institutions. The consequence of this is a never-ending disaster in our environment and planning which is causing a great deal of suffering, and which is threatening our future and that of our children on these islands.

We can mention thousands of examples of how the reign of developers is ruling over Prime Minister Robert Abela and his Government. The most basic and obvious reform in planning appeals – so that construction will be disallowed unless there is a definitive permit – has not been implemented despite the many promises. Numerous illegal structures – from the pools in Qala on ODZ, to apartments in Sannat, whole developments in Birżebbuġa, and many others – have been constructed and left there.

In addition, the Planning Authority has thrown the rule of law out of the window and made a mockery of the Courts when issuing permits for buildings which had been declared illegal. 

Then the cherry on the cake.

After many years ignoring the cry of thousands of residents in Malta and Gozo for a change in planning regulations, the Government has finally decided to change part of these regulations.

But for whose benefit? The residents? Quality of life? The environment?


For the benefit of developer Anton Camilleri “Tal-Franċiż” and his monstrosity at Villa Rosa.

We have become accustomed to their strategy by now. When they know that we are right and that they have something to hide, they ignore us. They do not discuss with us, and they do not address what we call for, just as they are doing at the moment.

But we are not willing to live in a developers’ dictatorship and watch our country continue to be ruined by greed.

We will not let you ignore us.

The fight continues.

PHOTO CREDIT: James Bianchi / MaltaToday


Azzjoni diretta waqt il-Budget: Mhux se nħallukom tinjoraw il-karba tal-poplu għall-ġustizzja

Illum il-Moviment Graffitti qiegħed iwettaq azzjoni diretta waqt id-diskors tal-Budget.

Bħalissa pajjiżna jinsab f’sitwazzjoni ta’ emerġenza. Interessi qawwijin ħatfu l-politika u l-istituzzjonijiet ta’ pajjiżna. Il-konsegwenza ta’ dan huwa ħerba ma tiqafx fl-ambjent u fl-ippjanar li qiegħda twassal għal ħafna tbatija u thedded il-futur tagħna u ta’ wliedna fuq dawn il-gżejjer.

Nistgħu nġibu elf eżempju ta’ kif is-saltna tal-iżviluppaturi ħakmet lill-Prim Ministru Robert Abela u lill-Gvern. Riforma mill-iktar bażika u ovvja fl-appelli tal-ippjanar — biex ma jitħallewx jitilgħu binjiet meta ma jkunx hemm permess definittiv — baqgħet ma saritx minkejja ħafna wegħdiet. Viżibilju strutturi illegali — mill-pixxini fl-ODZ tal-Qala, appartamenti fis-Sannat, binjiet sħaħ f’Birżebbuġa, u ħafna oħrajn — laħqu telgħu u tħallew hemm.

Mhux biss. L-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar remiet mit-tieqa s-saltna tad-dritt u tmejlet bil-Qrati meta ħarġet permessi għal binjiet li kienu ġew dikjarati illegali.

Imbagħad iċ-ċirasa fuq il-kejk.

Wara snin twal fejn il-karba ta’ eluf ta’ residenti madwar Malta u Għawdex biex jinbidlu r-regoli fl-ippjanar ġiet injorata, il-Gvern fl-aħħar iddeċieda li jibdel parti minn dawn ir-regoli.

Imma għall-benefiċċju ta’ min? Tar-residenti? Tal-kwalità tal-ħajja? Tal-ambjent?


Għall-benefiċċju tal-iżviluppatur Anton Camilleri “Tal-Franċiż” u l-mostrożità tiegħu f’Villa Rosa.

L-istrateġija tagħhom issa drajnieha. Meta jafu li għandhom il-faħam miblul, jinjorawna. Ma jiddiskutux magħna u ma jindirizzawx dak li qed ngħidu, kif propju qegħdin jagħmlu bħalissa.

Iżda aħna mhux lesti ngħixu taħt id-dittatorjat tal-iżviluppaturi u naraw lil pajjiżna jinqered mir-regħba.

Mhux se nħallukom tinjorawna.

Il-ġlieda tkompli.

RITRATT: James Bianchi / MaltaToday

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