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Fruitful discussions on Valley Road trees’ pruning

Following the concerns raised by Moviment Graffitti about the pruning of trees along Valley Road, the organisation is pleased to announce that after consultation with the contractor’s representative and other experts, most of its initial concerns have been addressed, and it is satisfied that the works are planned to be conducted with the necessary sensitivity.

Moviment Graffitti however added that what ultimately matters is how the works are carried out in practice, and urged those responsible, including the contractor and the contracting authority, Infrastructure Malta, to limit interventions to what is strictly necessary.

In particular, in light of the approaching nesting period for birds, the group agreed that works should proceed as required, and not be further postponed.

The organisation said that the plans presented by Dr Charles F. Grech, the arborist engaged by the contractor, are broadly satisfactory, and it is evident that efforts are being made to ensure that the works do not devolve into simple butchery of the 145 trees along the site.

While acknowledging that “significant works are required to rectify the years of neglect that have had a detrimental effect on the road,” Moviment Graffitti insisted that “these detrimental effects are the responsibility of the entities responsible for the management of the site.”

Therefore, it continued, “the corrections must be borne by the entities responsible and have as limited an impact on the trees and biodiversity they host as is possible.”

Despite the broad agreement with the works method statement presented by Dr Grech, the activist group noted some caveats, taking particular issue with the provision that all foliage within three metres (3m) of buildings will be pruned as part of emergency works.

“This must be understood as a maximum and not as a general rule,” said Moviment Graffitti. “Each tree or segment must be considered on a case-by-case basis and not simply cut in a straight line the entire length of the road.”

It argued that in many instances, pruning back by 1m or 1.5m is “entirely sufficient to achieve the objectives of the project, in keeping with the principle that interventions are conducted in a sensitive manner.”

The group also drew attention to a Southern Nettle Tree (bagular) situated on the site, stressing that “this tree should not be touched beyond what is absolutely necessary.”

Regarding the first phase of pruning, beyond the emergency works mentioned, Moviment Graffitti also drew attention to the sensitivity required to ensure that any main branches are not entirely cut, down to the trunk.

“This would likely destabilise the trees and constitute a hazard to pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Any interventions must be carried out with extensive monitoring to ensure that any touching upon any tree’s structure are done carefully and sensitively,” said the group.


Konsultazzjoni dwar iż-żabra tas-siġar fi Triq il-Wied tħalli l-frott

Wara t-tħassib li qajjem il-Moviment Graffitti dwar iż-żbir tas-siġar li jinsabu fi Triq il-Wied fl-Imsida u Birkirkara, l-għaqda ħabbret li wara konsultazzjoni mar-rappreżentant tal-kuntrattur u esperti oħra, ħafna mill-punti li qajmet ġew indirizzati. Issa tinsab sodisfatta li x-xogħlijiet huma ppjanati li jsiru bis-sensittività mistennija.

Madanakollu, il-Moviment Graffitti żied jgħid li bejn il-kliem u l-fatti hemm baħar jikkumbatti. Għalhekk, ħeġġeġ lil dawk responsabbli, fosthom il-kuntrattur u Infrastructure Malta, sabiex jillimitaw l-intervent għal dak li huwa strettament neċessarju.

Minħabba li ż-żmien fejn l-għasafar ikunu qegħdin ifittxu fejn ibejtu dalwaqt magħna, l-għaqda qablet li x-xogħlijiet għandhom jipproċedu minnufih.

L-għaqda qalet li l-pjanijiet ippreżentati minn Dr Charles F. Grech, l-arborist imqabbad mill-kuntrattur, huma fil-maġġorparti sodisfaċenti, u huwa evidenti li hemm il-ħsieb li l-145 siġra fis-sit jiġu miżbura kif suppost, u mhux imbiċċra.

Il-Moviment Graffitti qabel li “snin ta’ telqa ħallew impatt negattiv fuq it-triq, u issa hemm bżonn ta’ intervent sinifikanti” sabiex titranġa s-sitwazzjoni. Però żied jgħid li “din il-ħsara hija frott it-telqa tal-awtoritajiet responsabbli minn dan is-sit.”

Għalhekk, kompla jgħid, “il-piż tal-interventi għandu jiġi merfugħ mill-entitajiet responsabbli, u għandu jkollu impat limitat kemm jista’ jkun fuq is-siġar u l-biodiversità.”

Minkejja li kien hemm qbil fuq il-maġġoranza tal-‘works method statement’ ippreżentat minn Dr Grech, il-grupp esprima xi riservi, partikolarment dwar il-punt li l-weraq kollha li jinsabu sa tliet metri (3m) mill-bini ser jiġu miżbura bħala parti mix-xogħlijiet ta’ emerġenza.

“Din id-distanza għandha tkun il-massimu assolut, u mhux tittieħed bħala regola ġenerali,” qal il-Moviment Graffitti. “Kull siġra jew sezzjoni ta’ siġar għandha tiġi kkunsidrata waħda waħda, u mhux sempliċiment maqtugħa linja dritta tul it-triq kollha.”

Il-grupp kompla jgħid li f’ħafna istanzi, żabra ta’ metru jew metru u nofs tkun “biżżejjed sabiex tilħaq it-tir tal-proġett, skont il-prinċipju li l-intervent għandu jitmexxa b’mod sensittiv.”

Il-Moviment Graffitti ġibed attenzjoni ukoll għall-bagular (Southern Nettle Tree) li tinsab fuq is-sit, u qal li din is-siġra “m’għandhiex tintmess iktar milli huwa assolutament meħtieġ.”

Rigward l-ewwel fażi taż-żabra, barra x-xogħlijiet ta’ emerġenza imsemmija iktar ‘il fuq, il-Moviment Graffitti saħaq li hemm bżonn sensittività kbira sabiex jiġi żgurat li d-dirgħajn tas-siġar (il-friegħi il-kbar) ma jkunux maqtugħa sa fejn jiltaqgħu maz-zokk prinċipali.

“F’dak il-każ, is-siġar wisq probabbli jitilfu l-istabbiltà u jispiċċaw ta’ periklu għal kull min ikun qiegħed jimxi jew isuq hemm. Kwalunkwe intervent għandu jiġi sorveljat ħalli kull xogħol li jaffetwa l-istabbiltà tas-siġar isir bl-ikbar galbu.”

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