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El Hiblu 3 – End this Injustice and Dismiss all the Charges!

The prosecution of the El Hiblu 3 is unjust. Movement Graffitti calls on Malta’s Attorney General to demand an end to this injustice and to dismiss all the charges. 

Four and a half years ago, Abdalla, Amara, and Kader arrived in Malta, after acting as mediators and translators on the El Hiblu 1. At the time they were only 15, 16, and 19 years old respectively, defusing a dangerous and tense situation at sea. 

Instead of celebrating the courage of these youngsters, the Maltese authorities charged them unfairly. These young men have had to endure ongoing delays and dehumanising restrictions, preventing them from leading a normal life. On November 8 the bill of indictment and respective charges against the El Hiblu 3 were issued. These charges are inhumane and unjust. 

National and international support to dismiss the charges is overwhelming and growing. 

In total, over a 1000 individuals and organisations have signed our open letter since we delivered it to the Attorney General in September. The letter has received support from a wide range of organisations in Malta and internationally, including Amnesty International and the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE).

The public has been urging for a resolution by the Attorney General’s office for years now but has been met with no action or response. Here we call again on the Attorney General to end this injustice. It is high time to dismiss the charges. This morning, the public has shown solidarity with the El Hiblu 3 in a symbolic action in front of the law courts.

Together, we stand in solidarity with the El Hiblu 3 against oppression and injustice! Free the El Hiblu 3!


Waqqfu din l-inġustizzja u waqqgħu l-akkużi kollha!

Il-prosekuzzjoni tal-El Hiblu 3 hija inġusta. Il-Movement Graffitti isejjaħ biex l-Avukat Ġenerali jwaqqaf din l-inġustizzja u jwaqqa’ l-akkużi kollha. 

Erba’ snin u nofs ilu, Abdalla, Amara, u Kader waslu Malta, wara li servew ta’ medjaturi u tradutturi fuq l-El Hiblu 1. Dak iż-żmien kellhom biss 15-, 16- u 19-il sena rispettivament, u rnexxielhom jikkalmaw sitwazzjoni perikoluża u mimlija tensjoni fuq il-baħar. 

Minflok ma apprezzaw il-kuraġġ li wrew dawn iż-żgħażagħ, l-awtoritajiet Maltin akkużawhom inġustament. Dawn il-ġuvintur kellhom jgħaddu minn dewmien kontinwu u restrizzjonijiet 

deumanizzanti, li ma ħallewhomx jgħixu ħajja normali. Fit-8 ta’ Novembru l-El Hiblu 3 tpoġġew taħt att ta’ akkuża. L-akkużi li ġew mixlijin bihom huma inumani u inġusti. 

L-appoġġ biex jitwaqqgħu l-akkużi kemm fuq livell nazzjonali u dak internazzjonali huwa kbir ħafna u qed ikompli jikber. B’kollox, iktar minn 1000 persuna u organizzazzjoni iffirmaw l-ittra miftuħa tagħna minn mindu ħadniha għand l-Avukat Ġenerali f’Settembru. L-ittra sabet l-appoġġ ta’ firxa wiesgħa ta’ organizzazzjonijiet kemm f’Malta u internazzjonalment, inkluż l- Amnesty International u l-European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE).

Il-pubbliku ilu jitlob li tinstab soluzzjoni mill-uffiċċju tal-Avukat Ġenerali għal snin issa imma baqa’ mingħajr ebda azzjoni jew risposta. Hawnhekk qegħdin għal darb’oħra nsejħu lill-Avukat Ġenerali biex iwaqqaf din l-inġustizzja. Wasal iż-żmien biex l-akkużi jaqgħu. Dalgħodu, il-pubbliku wera s-solidarjetà tiegħu mal-El Hiblu 3 f’azzjoni simbolika quddiem il-qorti tal-ġustizzja. 

Flimkien qegħdin nesprimu s-solidarjetà tagħna mal-El Hiblu 3 kontra l-oppressjoni u l-inġustizzja. Eħilsu lill-El Hiblu 3!

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