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Aaron Farrugia: The coast belongs to the people, not to the yachts!

Moviment Graffitti is extremely worried about the news that the government has devised a strategy to attract more superyachts in Malta and is also planning a land reclamation project for the country.

Our position on such projects remains crystal clear: neither our coast nor the sea should be considered a source of income for private interests, given that these are the few places remaining for public enjoyment. Maltese lands and waters should stop being exploited for the profits of the few at the detriment of the general public. As a result of the proposed strategy, more yachts will end up occupying the little space we have remaining for the peaceful enjoyment of the general public. Aaron Farrugia and the government he represents now wants to take this space away from us, so that the rich can continue benefiting.

In the last 16 years, the number of superyachts (longer than 24m) registered in Malta has grown by more than 10 times, from 100 to 1,100. Aaron Farrugia claims that this is contributing to the economy and generating employment. However he has so far failed to explain how we are reaping the benefits from this industry, considering especially how the same strategy document stipulates that skilled workers in this sector have been on a constant decline.

The strategy document also states that various consultations have taken place with the superyacht industry. Unfortunately no consultation has yet taken place with the most important stakeholder – the public. The strong public outcry against the previously proposed yacht marina in Marsaskala is enough evidence that the public is fed up with the taking up of public land, the exploitation of the environment, and now, our coastline and sea as well. 

Aaron Farrugia does not mention how the proposed growth of the superyacht industry is in line with the so-called ‘green transition’. In essence, it’s clear these two are incompatible. Apart from taking huge amounts of space, superyachts also pollute both sea and air. Even with good regulations, superyachts still contribute to the destruction of natural biodiversity. Furthermore, their engines emit tons of carbon dioxide, as well as other gases and toxic particles.

Moviment Graffitti insists that any major decision that will influence the environment and quality of life in general, should be taken only if it is in the public interest. The public does not need, nor does it want, yacht marinas for the rich, or land reclamation projects that would generate more land speculation. Should the government continue supporting the ‘needs’ of the rich instead of the needs of the general public, we are ready to side with the people in their ongoing fight against the exploitation of our scarcely remaining land, our coast, and our seas.


Ministru Farrugia: Il-kosta tan-nies, mhux tal-jottijiet!

L-aħbar riċenti li l-Gvern ħareg dokument ta’ strateġija bil-mira li jattira iktar superyachts ġo Malta, flimkien ma’ aħbar oħra li qed tiġi pjanata r-reklamazzjoni tal-art, iħassbuna ħafna.

Bħala Moviment Graffitti, il-pożizzjoni tagħna tibqa’ ċara u tonda: la l-art u lanqas il-baħar m’għandhom jitqiesu bħala sors ta’ qligħ għall-privat, għax huma l-ftit postijiet li fadlilna. L-artijiet u l-ibħra Maltin m’għandhomx jibqgħu jiġu sfruttati għall-profitt tal-ftit għad-detriment tal-poplu Malti u Għawdxi. Hu fatt li iktar jottijiet se jkomplu jikkapparraw il-ftit spazju liberu li għad fadal għat-tgawdija u s-serħan tan-nies. Aaron Farrugia u l-Gvern issa jridu jieħdu dan l-ispazju wkoll biex is-sinjur ikompli jistagħna.

F’medda ta’ 16-il sena, in-numru ta’ jottijiet kbar (itwal minn 24m) reġistrati f’Malta diġà żdied b’iktar minn għaxar darbiet, minn 100 ghal 1,110. Aaron Farrugia jgħid li dan qed jistimula l-ekonomija u jipprovdi x-xogħol, imma ma kienx kapaċi jgħidilna kif din l-industrija qed tkun ta’ ġid għall-poplu inġenerali. Id-dokument li ħareġ il-Gvern stess fil-fatt jammetti li lokalment in-nies tas-sengħa f’din l-industrija qegħdin dejjem jonqsu.

L-istess dokument li ppreżenta Farrugia jiżvela li saru diversi konsultazzjonijiet mal-industrija tas-superyachts. Aħna ninsistu li l-iktar stakeholder importanti huwa l-pubbliku, u dan s’issa għadu ma ġiex ikkonsultat. Kif rajna bil-kwistjoni tal-yacht marina ġo Wied il-Għajn, il-pubbliku huwa mxebba’ bit-teħid tal-art u l-isfruttar tal-ambjent, tal-postijiet pubbliċi u issa, tal-kosta u l-baħar ukoll.

Aaron Farrugia ma jsemmix kif it-tkabbir tal-industrija tas-superyachts hija kompatibbli mal-“green transition” – għax fil-fatt ma jmorrux flimkien. Infakkru li barra li jieħdu l-ispazju, il-jottijiet iħammġu l-baħar u l-arja wkoll. Anke b’regolazzjoni tajba, l-operazzjoni tal-jottijiet tirriżulta fi tniġġis organiku u tossiku ġol-baħar li joqtol il-bijodiversità naturali. Apparti minn hekk, il-magni tal-jottijiet jarmu d-dijossidu tal-karbonju u gassijiet u partiċelli tossiċi oħrajn.

Il-Moviment Graffitti jinsisti illi kwalunkwe deċiżjoni li ser taffettwa bil-kbir l-ambjent u l-kwalità tal-ħajja tagħna trid issir biss fl-interess tal-poplu. Il-poplu la jeħtieg u lanqas jixtieq jott marini għas-sinjuri u reklamazzjoni tal-ftit art li fadal għall-iżviluppaturi. Bħala Moviment Graffitti lesti li, jekk il-Gvern ikompli jwebbes rasu u jaqdi l-interessi tas-sinjuri minflok tal-poplu, aħna nkunu dawk li nappoġġjaw lill-poplu fil-ġlieda kontra l-isfruttar tal-kosta u tal-bajjiet. 

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