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Birżebbuġa residents participate in an activity in favour of the protection of Wied Żnuber and its surroundings

Birżebbuġa residents took part in an activity in the parish square calling for the protection of Wied Żnuber and its surroundings.

Recent statements by the Prime Minister that no development will happen inside Wied Żnuber, and that part of the area around it might become ODZ, failed to quash fears arising from the airstrip development since the plan was not withdrawn.

The plan for an airstrip by the valley and the cliffs of the area was announced last month at the signing of an agreement between the government agency INDIS and an airplane model association. Residents, the Birżebbuġa Local Council and other stakeholders were not consulted about these plans, and the exact plans of the airstrip are being kept under wraps till this very day.

Plans seen by farmers of the area indicate that the project would be massive, taking up around 44 acres of garigue and agricultural land – the equivalent of seven football pitches.

The activity in Birzebbuga highlighted the important ecological and social value of the site, which currently severs as a buffer zone between the industrial area and the valley and cliffs. It is also home to rich biodiversity including protected species of flora and fauna, as well as important historical remains such as a dolmen, ancient water canals and a military shelter. Moreover, the loud and incessant noise of model remote control airplanes would drastically increase light and noise pollution in the area and destroy the serenity of the valley and surrounding cliffs, to the detriment of biodiversity, residents and visitors.

The participants reiterated that the plan for an airstrip in the area of Wied Żnuber should be immediately withdrawn. The site, which has been included as part of the industrial zone, should be designated as ODZ so that it can be enjoyed by the public, used by the farmers and serve as a buffer zone to the Natura 2000 site.


Residenti ta’ Birżebbuġa jieħdu sehem f’attività favur il-ħarsien ta’ Wied Żnuber u l-madwar.

Residenti ta’ Birżebbuġa ħadu sehem f’attività fil-pjazza tal-knisja favur il-ħarsien ta’ Wied Żnuber u l-madwar tiegħu.

Stqarrijiet riċenti mill-Prim Ministru li mhuwiex se jsir żvilupp ġol-wied, u li partijiet ta’ madwaru jistgħu jsiru ODZ, ma naqqsux il-biżgħat tan-nies marbuta mal-mitjar għaliex il-pjanijiet ma ġewx irtirati.

Il-pjan għal dan il-mitjar maġenb il-wied u l-irdum tħabbar ix-xahar li għadda waqt l-iffirmar ta’ ftehim bejn l-aġenzija tal-Gvern INDIS u assoċjazzjoni tal-mudelli tal-ajruplani. Ir-residenti, il-Kunsill Lokali u gruppi interessati oħra ma ġewx ikkonsultati dwar dawn il-pjanijiet li d-dettalji tagħhom għadhom qegħdin jinżammu moħbija sal-lum il-ġurnata.

Il-pjanti li raw il-bdiewa tal-post jindikaw li l-proġett ser ikun enormi u ser jieħu madwar 44 tomna ta’ xagħri u għelieqi, l-ekwivalenti ta’ seba’ grounds tal-football.

L-attività f’Birżebbuġa enfasizzat l-importanza ekoloġika u soċjali kbira tas-sit li preżentament iservi ta’ buffer zone bejn iż-żona industrijali u l-wied u l-irdum. Fih hemm ukoll bijodiversità rikka, inkluż flora u fawna protetti, kif ukoll fdalijiet storiċi importanti bħal dolmen, kanali tal-ilma antiki u xelter militari. Barra minn dan, l-attività tat-titjir tal-mudelli tal-ajruplani ser iżżid drastikament it-tniġġis tad-dawl u tal-istorbju minn ħsejjes qawwija u kontinwi ta’ mudelli ta’ ajruplani mdaqqsa u teqred is-serenità tal-wied u tal-irdum, għad-detriment tal-bijodiversità, tar-residenti u tal-viżitaturi.

Il-parteċipanti saħqu li l-pjanijiet għall-mitjar fiż-żona ta’ Wied Żnuber għandhom jiġu rtirati minnufih. Is-sit inkwistjoni, li kien ġie inkluż bħala parti miż-żona industrijali, għandu jiġi desinjat bħala ODZ ħalli jkun jista’ jkompli jitgawda mill-pubbliku, jintuża mill-bdiewa u jservi ta’ buffer zone għas-sit tan-Natura 2000. 

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