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Stop Lying, Moviment Graffitti tells Transport Minister

Activists call out Ian Borg and Frederick Azzopardi’s attempts to deceive public opinion

Moviment Graffitti has called out Transport and Infrastructure Minister Ian Borg after he once again attempted to mislead the public in an interview given to Reacting to questions about the roundabout project in Burmarrad, Minister Borg said that it is completely untrue that a 500-year old water reservoir will be destroyed to make way for the roundabout, which will be built in front of an ODZ supermarket proposed by Bonnici Brothers. In 2020, Bonnici Brothers netted €7.7m in contracts and direct orders from Infrastructure Malta.

However, plans submitted by the roads agency show that the proposed roundabout will invade the area currently occupied by the water reservoir. The water reservoir is partly sited at street level and has no way of being saved if the roadworks go ahead. Moreover, the plans include a peculiar walkway suspended over the open reservoir. This not only confirms that at least part of the reservoir will be destroyed, since demolition works are planned at one of its sides, but also poses a danger to those using it. No studies or justifications of any sort were provided to show that this bizarre structure is indeed feasible and safeguards the integrity of both reservoir and pedestrians. The group defined this walkway as “worrisome” in light of recent design blunders by IM, as evidenced by the spate of traffic accidents caused by the Bonnici-built roundabout in Ghajn Rihana, Burmarrad.

“This is another instance in which Minister Borg has lied to the public in a pathetic attempt to gather support,” said a spokesperson for the group. “Minister Borg is under pressure to justify his extensive roadbuilding spree, and has repeatedly given conflicting versions about the projects in Imriehel, Burmarrad and Dingli. He is probably the first minister in Maltese history to be contradicted by a major business group,” the group said in a reference to a recent statement by Farsons, who denied Borg’s assertion that the extension of Trident House hinged on the construction of the Imriehel flyover. The activist group also hit out at Borg’s statements on the fact that the PA “did not approve the project” while he was responsible for planning.

Moviment Graffitti pointed out how Bonnici Brothers have resumed the application for their supermarket halfway through the first phase of roadworks in Burmarrad, following a story in the Times of Malta about the project and its effects on farmers.

“We do not believe this is a simple coincidence, particularly since the proposed roundabout is sited exactly in front of the proposed supermarket. We understand Minister Borg is under pressure after losing several portfolios to other ministers, however he’s only being consistent when it comes to deceiving the public. This is both alarming and disgusting.”

“Ian Borg and Frederick Azzopardi have been given a lot of airtime on state TV to attack critics and spin lies about their projects. Both have accused us of not telling the truth. We take the opportunity to remind Minister Borg that we’re not the only ones who believe he is not credible. In fact, the courts of law have recently said the same about him in a libel suit involving the alleged purchase of property from a person with a mental disability.”

Moviment Graffitti higlighted how former Labour stalwarts such as President Emeritus Marie Louise Coleiro Preca and former Prime Minister now PL MEP Dr Alfred Sant have loudly questioned Borg’s plans for Imriehel, wondering if their assertions are also “untruthful”.

The group also acknowledged Minister Borg’s praise for the group’s “sterling work”, which markedly includes numerous protests and direct actions against Borg’s own “faulty” policies and doings. The group confirmed its intention, announced in a press conference last Saturday, to press on with direct actions.

“We will not stand idly by as you trample on the livelihoods of farmers and residents. You shall not pass.”

To date, over 5,900 objections have been filed by residents, farmers and citizens. The St Paul’s Bay Local Council has also voted unanimously against the project.

The group invites the public to view the plans submitted by IM on the PA’s eApplications portal (application number PA/7670/20). Objections for this project may still be filed until Friday 19th February using this link.

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