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Contrary to IM claims, proposed road in Dingli requires a permit

The Dingli road saga, a proposed road on agricultural land which aims to connect Sqaq il-MUSEUM, Daħla tas-Sienja, and Triq San Ġwann Bosco continues as it now transpires that Infrastructure Malta has falsely claimed that the proposed road can be built without a permit, stating that the road is schemed in the North West Local Plan of 2006. However, upon closer inspection of the Local Plan, the schemed road as shown on the PA GeoServer is incorrect, if not illegal since it does not match the Local Plan. The Local Plan indicates only the street alignment on one side and fails to show the alignment on the other side.  This is mainly because half, if not more, of the road would be in ODZ and therefore requires a full development application to construct and not as claimed by Infrastructure Malta on numerous occasions.

If members of Moviment Graffitti, residents, and farmers had not stopped the works in time, not only would have the medieval church of Sta Duminka been in danger of collapse, the road would have been built without a permit as required by law, bulldozing over residents, farmers and arable private land.

This latest development adds to the ever-growing list of illegalities which Infrastructure Malta has been trying to push, from not officially notifying residents of the development that was going to take place in their land, to attempting to commence work without waiting for the appropriate scheduling of the medieval church, to ripping up 300-year old trees without waiting the requisite period as stated by law.

Since we now know that the proposed road does need a permit, we call on the Infrastructure Ministry and the Environment Ministry to immediately and definitively halt plans to build this useless and harmful road, as well as remove the incomplete road drawings from the Local Plan.


Għall-kuntrarju ta’ dak li qed jgħidu IM, it-triq proposta f’Ħad-Dingli teħtieg permess

Is-saga ta’ Ħad-Dingli, triq proposta fuq art agrikola biex tgħaqqad Sqaq il-MUSEUM, id-Daħla tas-Sienja, u Triq San Ġwann Bosco tkompli hekk kif issa jidher li dak li qalet Infrastructure Malta – li din it-triq tista’ tinbena bla permess għax hija skemata fin-North West Local Plan tal-2006 – mhux minnu. Meta tifli sew il-Pjan Lokali u tqabblu mat-triq skemata kif tidher fil GeoServer tal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar, din mhix korretta, jekk mhix ukoll kontra l-liġi, għaliex kif qiegħda fil-GeoServer ma taqbilx mal-Pjan Lokali. Il-Pjan Lokali jindika biss l-allinjament tat-triq fuq naħa waħda u ma jurix l-allinjament fuq in-naħa l-oħra. Dan għaliex, nofs, jekk mhux iktar, tat-triq jiġi jaqa’ barra ż-żona tal-iżvilupp (ODZ) u għalhekk applikazzjoni għall-iżvilupp hija meħtieġa biex it-triq tkun tista’ tinbena, kontra ta’ dak li qalet Infrastructure Malta bosta drabi. 

Kieku ma kinux membri tal-Moviment Graffitti, residenti, u bdiewa li waqqfu x-xogħolijiet fil-ħin, kieku mhux biss il-knisja medjevali ta’ Sta Duminka kienet tkun fil-periklu li tiġġarraf, imma t-triq kienet tinbena bla permess kif titlob il-liġi, daqs li kieku għadda bulldozer minn fuq ir-residenti, il-bdiewa u art agrikola privata. 

Dan l-aħħar żvilupp, ikompli jtawwal il-lista ta’ illegalitajiet li Infrastructure Malta ilha tipprova tgħaddi, bħal meta m’avżatx lir-residenti uffiċjalment dwar l-iżvilupp li kien se jsir fuq l-artijiet tagħhom, jew meta ppruvaw jibdew ix-xogħolijiet mingħajr ma jistennew l-iskedar meħtieġ għall-knisja medjevali, u meta ppruvaw iqaċċtu siġar li kienu ilhom hemm 300 sena qabel ma ħallew iż-żmien jgħaddi, hekk kif stipulat fil-liġi.

Peress li issa nafu li t-triq proposta teħtieġ permess, nappellaw biex il-Ministeru tal-Infrastruttura u l-Ministeru tal-Ambjent iwaqqfu immedjatament u b’mod definittiv il-pjanijiet biex tinbena din it-triq bla bżonn u li se tagħmel ħafna ħsara, kif ukoll biex jitneħħew il-pjanijiet mhux kompluti ta’ din it-triq minn fuq il-Pjan Lokali.

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