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52 groups register their participation for the 7th September protest

Public Forum in August seeks citizens’ participation in formulating demands.

Fifty-two groups have already registered their participation for the 7th September national protest ‘Enough is Enough: We’re off to Valletta’. In the days prior to the protest, a Public Forum seeking the citizens’ contribution in formulating the demands of the protest will also be held. 

Groups registering their participation range from environmental NGOs and residents from localities such as Żejtun, Pembroke, Marsascala, Attard, Pieta’ and Żebbuġ, to cultural, human rights’ and students’ organisations. It is truly encouraging to see that a wide array of people from different backgrounds and with different interests are coalescing to demand a stop to the unbridled environmental destruction and a better quality of life.  Organisations can still register their participation on

The national protest will be making six demands aimed at reining in excessive and haphazard construction through i) changing planning policies ii) reforming authorities responsible for the environment and planning iii) a moratorium on large-scale projects until a comprehensive and serious plan for development is introduced iv) a strategy on roads and alternative transportation v) regulation of the construction industry and vi) protecting biodiversity and citizens’ health.  

The public will also have the opportunity to give its proposals and input in relation to the six demands of the protest during the Public Forum – “Il-Proposti Tiegħek’ – which will be held on Wednesday 28th August at the Friends of the Earth premises in Floriana, starting at 7pm. All proposals put forward during this public meeting will be noted down and integrated in a set of reasonable demands, which will then be presented to the authorities after the protest of the 7th September.

This Public Forum is strictly reserved to those who have no means of making their voices heard during five years of legislature; Members of Parliament are not welcome. 


52 grupp jirreġistraw il-parteċipazzjoni tagħhom fil-protesta tas-7 ta’ Settembru

Forum Pubbliku jistieden il-parteċipazzjoni taċ-ċittadini fil-formulazzjoni tat-talbiet tal-protesta

Tnejn u ħamsin grupp diġà rreġistraw il-parteċipazzjoni tagħhom fil-protesta nazzjonali tas-7 ta’ Settembru ‘Iż-Żejjed Kollu Żejjed: Kulħadd għall-Belt’. Fil-ġranet ta’ qabel il-protesta se jkun organizzat ukoll Forum Pubbliku fejn iċ-ċittadini jkunu jistgħu jagħtu l-kontribut tagħhom għall-formulazzjoni tat-talbiet tal-protesta. 

Gruppi li rreġistraw il-parteċipazzjoni tagħhom ivarjaw minn NGOs ambjentali u residenti minn lokalitajiet bħaż-Żejtun, Pembroke, Wied il-Għajn, Ħ’Attard, il-Pietà u Haż Żebbuġ, sa għaqdiet kulturali, tad-drittijiet umani u tal-istudenti. Huwa nkuraġġanti ferm li naraw firxa wiesgħa ta’ nies minn sfondi u b’interessi differenti jingħaqdu flimkien sabiex jitolbu li tieqaf din il-qerda ambjentali sfrenata u li jkollhom kwalità ta ħajja aħjar. Għaqdiet interessati għadhom jistgħu jirreġistraw il-parteċipazzjoni tagħhom fuq

Il-protesta nazzjonali se tkun qed tagħmel sitt talbiet bl-għan li jiġi kkontrollat il-bini żejjed u bl-addoċċ permezz ta’ i) bidla fil-policies tal-ippjanar ii) riforma tal-awtoritajiet responsabbli mill-ambjent u l-ippjanar iii) it-twaqqif ta’ proġetti kbar ħafna sakemm ikun daħal fis-seħħ pjan serju għall-iżvilupp f’pajjiżna iv) strateġija dwar it-toroq u t-trasport alternattiv v) regolamentazzjoni tal-industrija tal-kostruzzjoni u vi) il-ħarsien tal-biodiversità u s-saħħa taċ-ċittadini.

Il-pubbliku se jkollu wkoll l-opportunità li jagħti l-proposti u l-kontribuzzjoni tiegħu b’rabta ma’ dawn is-sitt talbiet waqt il-Forum Pubbliku – Il-Proposti Tiegħek  – li se jsir nhar l-Erbgħa 28 t’Awwissu fis-7pm ġewwa l-bini tal-Friends of the Earth, il-Furjana. Ser tittieħed nota tal-proposti kollha li joħorġu sabiex dawn jiġu ntegrati f’sett ta’ proposti raġonevoli li se jiġu ppreżentati lill-awtoritajiet wara l-protesta tas-7 ta’ Settembru.

Dan il-Forum Pubbliku huwa riservat għal persuni li m’għandhomx mezz biex isemmgħu leħinhom tul ħames snin ta’ leġiżlatura: membri parlamentari mhumiex mistiedna.

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