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Iż-Żejjed Kollu Żejjed – Protesta

Moviment Graffitti is making a call for participation in a national protest free from partisan politics – Enough is Enough: We’re off to Valletta – on Saturday 7th September. It will start at 10am, from the Law Courts. The aim of this protest is to bring together residents, workers, farmers, students and organisations who are fed up of excessive and haphazard construction so as to make their voices heard in opposition to the madness that is consuming our country. We believe that together we can change this situation and fight the excessive power of the few who treat Malta as their own patch of land through which they can speculate and make profits.

Therefore, all formal and informal associations from Malta and Gozo may reply to this public call by contacting us on or by filling in the online form on the website These associations will thus commit themselves to participate and promote this protest. Groups such as NGOs, resident associations, student groups, workers’ associations and farmers are welcome to join, as long as their aims and principles conform with the demands we will be making during this protest. Groups affiliated with political parties will be turned down.

The protest will make a number of demands related to:

i) Policies

Most planning policies are designed around the interests of the few, instead of public wellbeing and environmental protection. As a consequence of this, our country has been besieged by senseless development which is destroying the natural environment and ruining our quality of life at an alarming rate.

We demand a radical change in these planning policies so that these can truly respect the interests of the majority, including future generations, instead of protecting the profits of the few. Among others, a number of policies allowing construction of villas, fuel stations or hotels in ODZ should be revoked, as well as the high-rise policy which allows excessively tall buildings in various areas of the island, without any plan or consideration of the negative effects these policies are having.

ii) Authorities Responsible for the Environment and Planning

The authorities entrusted with safeguarding the environment and planning are run with a blatant lack of transparency, responsibility and independence. It is clear that most of the decisions taken by these authorities – decisions that impact us strongly and directly – have already been taken behind the scenes, away from the public eye. It is unacceptable that certain groups with economic and/or political clout are allowed to ruin our lives and environment by pulling the authorities’ strings for their own benefit.

We demand a profound change in the composition of these boards, the election of their members and the way they are run. First among these, the Planning Authority (PA) and the boards that fall under its remit (for example, the Planning Commission and Planning Board) as well as the Environmental Resources Authority (ERA) and the Building Regulations Office (BRO) which has now been turned into an MDA sub-office. The operations and decisions taken by these authorities should be free from commercial and political interests; we want democratic authorities that can truly decide in the best interests of our country.

iii) Large-Scale Projects

Communities around Malta and Gozo are under attack from proposals for massive developments that have no respect for either residents or the environment. These large projects are having a devastating impact on our quality of life, since they lead to a massive increase in congestion, pollution and noise, as well as usurping the air, light and space from our neighbourhoods. The proliferation of these enormous projects, such as the dB Group’s project on the site of the former ITS, is being carried out without a holistic plan or evaluation of the cumulative impact which these towers and globs of building will have on people and the natural environment.

We demand a moratorium on these large-scale projects until a comprehensive and serious plan for development in Malta is introduced. This plan should ensure that these types of projects respect the community and are sustainable.

iv) The Regulation of the Construction Industry

Dust, danger, noise, broken pavements, illegal dumping of waste – this is a daily reality for thousands of people in our country, and all this because of the lack of control over the construction sector. In a few months we’ve seen buildings crumble and numerous workers dying in various construction sites. The response to all this has been completely inadequate. Residents are still carrying the responsibility, the psychological and financial burdens (as well as effects on their health) to ensure they won’t be buried alive because of construction works next door. This is a ridiculous and unacceptable situation, just like the lack of systematic and persistent lack of enforcement.

We want a system whereby developers and authorities are truly responsible of the work that is being carried out in construction sites so as to ensure that this doesn’t endanger or disturb people’s lives. This can only be achieved if the authorities stop issuing permits carelessly, and by capping the number of permits to be issued every year. There should also be a serious enforcement, without exception, of all the laws that regulate the construction industry, so that residents and workers are given protection and dignity.

v) Roads and Transportation

Our country is besieged by a frenzy of tree-cutting and the destruction of agricultural land sacrificed to road widening and construction. We’ve been told these should reduce traffic and travelling distances; however, studies worldwide have shown that road construction and widening do not solve the traffic issue. The studies carried out by the Maltese authorities confirm this clearly: no new road will save the country from gridlock, unless there’s a shift to alternative means of transport. In spite of these studies, we face a lack of serious investment in these alternatives, such as efficient public transport and infrastructure for cyclists. In the meantime, millions are being spent on new roads that will not solve the issue.

We demand that government reconsiders the decision to build and widen roads that will destroy a scandalously huge amount of trees and arable land. Instead, Government should be working on the creation and implementation of a strategy that truly addresses the traffic and pollution issues, and this strategy should include serious investment in alternative means of transport.

vi) Respect for our Planet, our Country, and Ourselves

Malta’s natural resources are considered only in so far as they can turn a profit. Our country is the most built up country in the European Union with 33% of the land built up. This puts our natural habitats and biodiversity under immense pressure. Our water and air are polluted without a thought, land is taken up in ever-increasing amounts, ecosystems that flourished for generations are covered in concrete, and wildlife populations are collapsing at an accelerating rate. This short-sightedness is now affecting our health. Close to 600 peope die every year due to air pollution. There are 5 new cases of chronic asthma every single day. Our mental health is suffering, with stress and anxiety at record highs. The mantra of “money in your pocket” is ringing hollow as we see loved ones suffer, as we travel further afield to be able to unwind, and as evidence mounts that our actions are causing catastrophic changes to our planet’s natural and ecological systems.

We demand that government puts citizens’ health at the heart of all decision-making by safeguarding remaining open spaces in urban areas, strengthening the protection of natural habitats to prevent further loss of biodiversity, and committing to reaching and surpassing emission reduction targets. Our future depends on it.


Iż-Żejjed Kollu Żejjed: Kulħadd għall-Belt

Il-Moviment Graffitti qed jiftaħ sejħa għall-parteċipazzjoni għal protesta nazzjonali fi spazju ħieles mill-politika partiġġjana – Iż-Żejjed Kollu Żejjed: Kulħadd għall-Belt – nhar is-Sibt 7 ta’ Settembru ġewwa l-Belt Valletta. Il-protesta se tibda fl-10am minn quddiem il-Qorti. L-idea wara din il-protesta hija li residenti, bdiewa, ħaddiema, studenti u għaqdiet li huma mxebbgħin bil-bini żejjed u bl-addoċċ jingħaqdu u jsemmgħu leħenhom kontra dan il-ġenn li ħakem lil pajjiżna. Nemmnu li flimkien għandna s-saħħa nbiddlu din is-sitwazzjoni u niġġieldu l-poter tal-ftit li qed jaraw lil Malta sempliċiment bħala roqgħa art biex jistagħnew biha.

Għalhekk il-gruppi kollha, formali u informali, madwar Malta u Għawdex jistgħu iwieġbu għal din is-sejħa billi jikkuntatjawna fuq jew jimlew il-formola f’dan is-sit Huma se jkunu qed jimpenjaw rwieħhom li jipparteċipaw f’din il-protesta u jxerrduha. Dawn il-gruppi jistgħu jinkludu għaqdiet mhux governattivi kif ukoll gruppi ta’ residenti, studenti, ħaddiema u bdiewa; kull grupp li għandu prinċipji u għanijiet konformi mat-talbiet li qed isiru f’din il-protesta huwa mistieden jipparteċipa. Gruppi b’affiljazzjoni ma’ partiti politiċi mhux se jiġu aċċettati.

It-talbiet ta’ din il-protesta huma:

i) Policies

Ħafna mill-policies tal-ippjanar huma mfassla fuq l-interessi tal-ftit minflok fuq il-ġid komuni u l-ħarsien ambjentali. B’konsegwenza ta’ dan, pajjiżna spiċċa assedjat minn żvilupp li ma jagħmilx sens u li qed jeqred l-ambjent naturali u jgħarraq il-kwalità ta’ ħajjitna b’ritmu allarmanti.

Irridu bidla radikali fil-policies tal-ippjanar sabiex dawn jibdew iħarsu l-interessi tal-ħafna, inkluż tal-ġenerazzjonijiet futuri, minflok il-qligħ tal-ftit. Fost oħrajn, għandhom jinbidlu d-diversi policies li qed jippermettu bini sfrenat f’ODZ fil-forma ta’ vilel, pompi tal-petrol jew lukandi, u l-policy dwar il-high-rise li tippermetti bini għoli żżejjed f’diversi partijiet ta’ Malta, mingħajr ebda pjan u kunsiderazzjoni tal-impatti li dan qed iħalli.

ii) L-Awtoritajiet Responsabbli mill-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar

L-awtoritajiet responsabbli mill-ambjent u l-ippjanar f’pajjiżna huma mmexxija b’nuqqas ta’ trasparenza, responsabbiltà u indipendenza. Jidher biċ-ċar li ħafna mid-deċiżjonijiet li jieħdu dawn l-awtoritajiet – deċiżjonijiet li għandhom impatt dirett u qawwi fuqna lkoll – ikunu ġew meħuda diġà minn wara l-kwinti. Mhuwiex aċċettabbli li ċertu gruppi li għandhom saħħa ekonomika u/jew politika jitħallew iħarbtu l-ħajjiet u l-ambjent tagħna billi jiġbdu l-ispag ta’ dawn l-awtoritajiet għall-interessi tagħhom.

Nitolbu bidliet profondi fil-kompożizzjoni tal-bordijiet, fil-ħatra tal-membri tagħhom u fit-tmexxija tagħhom. Ewlenin fost dawn, l-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar (PA) u l-bordijiet li jaqgħu taħtha (pereżempju, il-Planning Commission u l-Planning Board) u l-Awtorità għall-Ambjent u r-Riżorsi (ERA), kif ukoll il-Building Regulations Office (BRO) li sar sukkursali tal-MDA. Ix-xogħol u d-deċiżjonijiet ta’ dawn l-entitajiet għandhom ikunu ħielsa minn interessi kummerċjali u politiċi; irridu awtoritajiet demokratiċi li verament jiddeċiedu fl-interess ta’ pajjiżna.

iii) Proġetti Kbar

Komunitajiet madwar Malta u Għawdex spiċċaw assedjati minn proposti għal żvilupp massiċċi li ma jirrispettawx lir-residenti u l-ambjent. Dawn il-proġetti l-kbar qed ikollhom impatt devastanti fuq il-kwalità tal-ħajja tagħna għaliex iwasslu għal żieda qawwija fil-konġestjoni, fit-tniġġis u fl-istorbju, u jixorbu l-arja, id-dawl u l-ispazji ta’ fejn ngħixu. Il-proliferazzjoni ta’ proġetti enormi, bħal ma huwa l-proġett tad-dB fis-sit tal-ITS, qed issir fin-nuqqas ta’ pjan olistiku u evalwazzjoni tal-impatt kumulattiv li dawn it-torrijiet u ċ-ċapep ta’ bini se jkollhom fuq in-nies u l-ambjent naturali.

Nitolbu li dawn il-proġetti kbar ħafna jieqfu sakemm ikun daħal fis-seħħ pjan serju għall-iżvilupp f’pajjiżna li jiżgura li dawn it-tip ta’ proġetti jirrispettaw lill-komunitajiet u jkunu sostenibbli.

iv) Regolamentazzjoni tal-Kostruzzjoni

Trabijiet, perikli, ħsejjes qawwija, bankini mkissra, rimi ta’ skart illegali – din hija r-realtà li eluf ta’ persuni f’pajjiżna qed jiffaċċjaw ta’ kuljum minħabba nuqqas ta’ kontroll fuq is-settur tal-bini. Fi ftit xhur rajna binja wara l-oħra tiġġarraf u l-mewt ta’ bosta ħaddiema f’siti tal-kostruzzjoni. Ir-risposta għal dan kollu kienet kompletament inadegwata. Ir-residenti għadhom iġorru r-responsabbiltà, il-piż psikoloġiku u dak finanzjarju (kif ukoll problemi ta’ saħħa) biex jiżguraw li mhux se jispiċċaw midfuna ħajjin minħabba x-xogħol li qed isir biswit id-dar tagħhom. Din hija sitwazzjoni ridikola u inaċċettabbli, l-istess bħan-nuqqas sistematiku u persisenti ta’ infurzar.

Irridu sistema li biha l-iżviluppaturi u l-awtoritajiet ikunu verament responsabbli mix-xogħol li jsir f’siti tal-kostruzzjoni sabiex jiġi żgurat li dan ma jipperikolax u ma jħarbatx il-ħajja tan-nies. Dan jista’ jsir biss jekk l-awtoritajiet ma jagħtux iktar permessi bl-addoċċ u jillimitaw in-numru ta’ permessi li jinħarġu kull sena. Għandu wkoll isir infurzar bis-serjetà u mingħajr eċċezzjoni tal-liġijiet li jikkontrollaw il-kostruzzjoni, sabiex tingħata protezzjoni u dinjità lill-ħaddiema u lir-residenti.

v) Toroq u Trasport

Pajjiżna inħakem minn ferneżija ta’ qtugħ ta’ siġar u qerda ta’ art agrikola f’isem it-twessigħ jew il-bini ta’ toroq ġodda. Jgħidulna li dawn suppost ser inaqqsu t-traffiku u d-distanzi tal-ivvjaġġar; iżda l-istudji minn madwar id-dinja kollha juru li l-bini u t-twessigħ ta’ toroq ma jindirizzawx il-problema tat-traffiku. L-istudji tal-awtoritajiet Maltin stess jgħidu biċ-ċar li ebda triq ġdida mhu se ssalva lil pajjiżna minn blokk totali tat-traffiku jekk mhux se ssir bidla għal mezzi ta’ trasport alternattivi mill-karozzi privati. Minkejja dawn l-istudji, f’pajjiżna hawn nuqqas ta’ investiment serju f’dawn l-alternattivi, bħal trasport pubbliku effiċjenti u infrastruttura għaċ-ċiklisti. Dan kollu filwaqt li qed jintefqu miljuni kbar f’toroq ġodda li mhu se jsolvu xejn.

Irridu li l-Gvern jerġa’ jikkunsidra d-deċiżjoni li jinbnew u jitwessgħu toroq li ħa jeqirdu ammont skandaluż ta’ siġar u art agrikola. Minflok, il-Gvern għandu joħloq u jimplimenta strateġija li verament tindirizza l-problema tat-traffiku u tat-tniggiż u li din tkun tinkludi investiment serju f’mezzi ta’ trasport alternattiv.

vi) Rispett lejn il-Pjaneta, lejn Pajjiżna, u lejna Nfusna

Ir-riżorsi naturali ta’ Malta jiġu kkunsidrati biss għal skopijiet ta’ profitt. Pajjiżna huwa l-iktar pajjiż bi spazju mibni fl-Unjoni Ewropea, b’33% tal-art li ttieħdet għall-bini; dan iqiegħed pressjoni qawwija fuq l-abitati naturali u l-bijodiversità tagħna. L-ilma u l-arja tagħna qed jiġu mniġġsa bl-addoċċ, l-art tittieħed b’rata dejjem tikber, l-ekosistemi li ffjorixxew għal ġenerazzjonijiet sħaħ jinsabu miksija mill-konkrit, u l-popolazzjonijiet tal-fawna selvaġġa qegħdin jonqsu b’pass mgħaġġel. Dan in-nuqqas ta’ viżjoni fit-tul qed jaffetwalna saħħitna: kull sena, madwar 600 ruħ imutu minħabba t-tniġġis tal-arja; jiġu rrappurtati ħames każijiet ta’ ażma kronika kuljum; u s-saħħa mentali tagħna qed tbati, b’livelli rekord ta’ stress u ansjetà. Il-mantra tal-“flus fil-but” tinstema’ ipokrita, speċjalment meta naraw lill-familjari u l-maħbubin tagħna jbatu b’dan il-mod, u jkollna nivvjaġġaw aktar ‘il bogħod biex insibu ftit tal-mistrieħ – dan kollu, filwaqt li hemm provi dejjem akbar li l-azzjonijiet tagħna qed jikkawżaw bidliet katastrofiċi fis-sistemi naturali u ekoloġiċi tal-pjaneta.

Nitolbu li l-gvern jagħti prominenza lis-saħħa taċ-ċittadini fit-teħid tad-deċiżjonijiet billi jissalvagwardja l-ispazji miftuħin fiż-żoni urbani, it-tisħiħ tal-protezzjoni tal-abitati naturali biex jiġi evitat it-telf ulterjuri tal-bijodiversità, u l-impenn lejn l-ilħuq tal-miri tat-tnaqqis tal-emissjonijiet. Il-futur tagħna jiddependi minn dan.

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