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Xbajtu? Anke aħna.

Jinkoraġġuna u jikkonslawna l-messaġġi li bgħattulna tul dawn il-jiem, issaqsuna hux ser nipprotestaw, u x’se nagħmlu.

Tul il-jiem li għaddew, ħdimna bla heda biex norganizzaw spazju ħieles mill-PLPN u mill-membri tagħhom, sabiex tkunu tistgħu ssemmgħu leħenkom: spazju mhux partiġġjan, eżattament kif kienu l-protesti kollha tagħna tul il-25 sena li ilna attivi, u li jinkludi lir-residenti u l-NGOs minn madwar Malta u Għawdex.

Din mhijiex protesta biss dwar il-proġett tas-Central Link. Se nipprotestaw:

❌ kontra l-ħakma u l-bullying tal-iżviluppaturi f’Malta;
❌ kontra l-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar u l-membri tagħha, ġunta militari li kull ġimgħa tissentenzja eluf ta’ kilometri kwadri għall-qerda;
❌ kontra l-infurzar tar-regolamenti dwar il-bini mill-MDA stess;
❌ kontra l-istrapoter tan-negozjanti, li moħħhom biex jibnu t-torrijiet biex jidfnukom fid-dlam;
❌ kontra s-serq tal-art pubblika għal somom ta’ flus miżeri;
❌ kontra n-nuqqas ta’ strateġija għat-trasport affordabbli, inklużiva u ekoloġika;
❌ kontra l-politiki ambjentali superfiċjali;
❌ kontra l-korruzjoni ta’ ħafna persunaġġi involuti fl-ippjanar;
❌ kontra s-sistema fejn min jagħti donazzjoni elettorali lil politikant jiswa aktar mill-vot tagħna;
❌ kontra l-arroganza li biha l-awtoritajiet jittrattaw lill-komunitajiet madwar Malta u Għawdex;
❌ kontra l-ħolm ikrah ta’ land reclamation fin-nofsinhar ta’ Malta;
❌ kontra t-tkissir bl-addoċċ tal-ħajja Maltija minn grupp ċkejken ta’ sinjuruni;
✔ favur kwalità ta’ ħajja aħjar u iktar kwiet, mingħajr biża’ minn krejnijiet u trakkijiet.

Bl-appoġġ tagħkom, se noħorġu wkoll lista ta’ proposti li rridu li jinbidlu f’liġijiet sabiex jiġu protetti ċ-ċittadini ta’ dan il-pajjiż mill-attakk kontinwu fuq l-istandard ta’ ħajjithom.

♥️ Sadanittant, nawguraw lil grupp ta’ persuni li nhar il-Ħadd se jkunu qed jipprotestaw, u nħeġġukom sabiex ittuhom l-appoġġ tagħkom.

Komplu segwu din il-paġna. Minn hawn u ftit żmien ieħor nagħtukom id-dettalji kollha ta’ din il-protesta tal-massa. Nittamaw li narawkom, għax dak huwa l-uniku mod kif jifhmu li anke intom xbajtu minn dan it-tgħaffiġ.



We feel encouraged and comforted by the messages many of you have sent in asking us, “what next? Will you protest?”

Over the past few days we have been busy organising a PLPN-free space for you to protest; a non-partisan action just like all others organised in the 25 years of Moviment Graffitti’s existence and which will include residents and NGOs from all over Malta.

This protest is not just about Central Link. We’ll also protest:

❌ against the rule and bullying of the developers in Malta;
❌ against the Planning Authority and its members, an authentic military junta sentencing square kilometres of virgin land to death every week;
❌ against the enforcement of building regulations by the MDA;
❌ against the superpower of the business class, busy building monsters to your very detriment;
❌ against the theft of public land for pitiful sums;
❌ against the lack of a strategy to create affordable and clean mass transport for everyone;
❌ against the superficial environmental policies;
❌ against the corruption of many involved in planning;
❌ against the system where electoral donors are stronger than any vote;
❌ against the arrogance with which the authorities treat communities across Malta and Gozo;
❌ against the wild dreams of land reclamation in the South;
❌ against the wanton destruction of our way of life by a select few;
✔️ in favour of a better, quieter way of life where you’re not harassed by cranes and trucks.

We will also be issuing, with your support, a series of proposals that we would like to see enshrined as legislation to protect the citizens of this country from this prolonged assault on their standard of life.

♥️ We wish the best of luck to other protesters engaged in their own event on Sunday and encourage you to support them.

In the meantime, watch this space. We will shortly give you all the details of this mass protest.

We count on seeing you there. It’s the only way they will understand you’ve had enough of this mess.

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