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Central Link Crowdfunding Target Reached in less than 24 hours

The figure of €20,000 to challenge the Central Link in legal arenas has been successfully crowdfunded in less than 24 hours, NGOs have said in a statement. Hailing this result as a record, the NGOs stated that “today, residents and common citizens have shown that the opposition to this project is far more widespread than government has expected, especially from the residents of the affected areas.”

“We’re overwhelmed by the support that we have received from the people over the last hours and by their encouraging messages.”

The NGOs have said that now they will be discussing the next steps with their legal team with a view to mounting the necessary legal challenges. Donations will continue to be received from those willing to contribute to this cause (from here:

The NGOs are:

Bicycle Advocacy Group

BirdLife Malta

Din l-Art Helwa 

Friends of the Earth Malta

FAA Flimkien Ghal Ambjent Ahjar

Futur Ambjent Wieħed

Għaqda Bdiewa Attivi

Għaqda Siġar Maltin

The IotL Magazine 

Malta Youth in Agriculture

Moviment Graffitti

Nature Trust – FEE Malta 

Ramblers Malta 

Archaeological Society Malta 


It-Tir tas-Central Link Crowdfunding intlaħaq f’inqas minn 24 siegħa

Is-somma ta’ €20,000 biex tiġi kkontestata legalment id-deċiżjoni tal-PA dwar is-Central Link Project inġabret bis-saħħa tal-crowdfunding f’inqas minn 24 siegħa, saħqu l-NGOs involuti. Dan huwa riżultat rekord, u l-NGOs komplew jisħqu li “illum ir-residenti u ċ-ċittadini komuni wrew li l-oppożizzjoni kontra dan il-proġett hija ferm aktar mifruxa milli l-gvern kien basar, speċjalment fost ir-residenti taż-żona affettwata.”

“L-appoġġ li rajna min-nies f’dawn l-aħħar sigħat u l-messaġġi ta’ inkoraġġiment li rċevejna ħallewna bla kliem.”

L-NGOs qalu li issa se jkunu qed jiddiskutu l-passi li jmiss flimkien mat-tim legali bil-għan li jibdew bil-proċeduri legali neċessarji. Donazzjonijiet se jibqgħu jiġu milqgħua mingħanddawk kollha li jixtiequ jikkontribwixxu għal din il-kawża (minn hawn:

L-NGOs huma: 

Bicycle Advocacy Group

BirdLife Malta

Din l-Art Helwa 

Friends of the Earth Malta

FAA Flimkien Ghal Ambjent Ahjar

Futur Ambjent Wieħed

Għaqda Bdiewa Attivi

Għaqda Siġar Maltin

The IotL Magazine 

Malta Youth in Agriculture

Moviment Graffitti

Nature Trust – FEE Malta 

Ramblers Malta 

Archaeological Society Malta 

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