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Commemoration at the Addolorata Cemetery

Today we participated in the commemoration at the Addolorata Cemetery, where 24 out of 800 people lay buried. They died whilst fleeing Libya in search for peace and safety.

“Their lives were cruelly condemned to the sea by our indifference. May they be remembered as our mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters”, reads the memorial stone. Until today, the plot was still unmarked. The stone memorial now serves to commemorate and dignify those who suffered and continue to suffer such tragedies at the hands of indifference.


Illum ipparteċipajna fil-kommemorazzjoni fiċ-ċimiterju tal-Addolorata. Hawnhekk jinsabu midfunin 24 minn 800 persuna li mietu waqt li kienu qegħdin jaħarbu mil-Libja biex ifittxu ħajja fil-paċi u mingħajr perikli.

Il-lapida taqra hekk; “Minħabba l-indifferenza tagħna, il-ħajja ta dawn in-nies ġiet ikkundanata. Nibqgħu niftakruhom bħala ommijietna, missierijietna u ħutna”. Sal-ġurnata tal-lum, dan il-qabar kien għadu mhux immarkat. Din il-lapida issa tista’ tagħti sens aktar dinjituż għal dawk kollha li sofrew jew għadhom qegħdin isofru fi traġedji bħal dawn minħabba l-indifferenza.

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